Show bahrt tise cass imite jury paneled Em john W lynch and jennie L hart plead not guilty to adultery charge MONDAY AFTERNOON edwin jones chareen with committing a rape on the person winder in emery county entered a plea of not guilty and the caad was continued for the term arnedt green charged with the crime of grand larceny in stealing a horse from amos and john rhodes on jelv was given until tuesday to plead uia present bond not being considered good he was remanded to the custody of the sheriff until a new bond should be piyen in the eum ot thomas bryan failed to appear on the cebario of assault with intent to commett murder and his bonds were ordered forfeited the im paneling of a jury in the casa hite murder case was continued six judora were called and were disposed of as follows L P shelley was accepted and sworn C E crand all and 0 A glazier bad formed fixed opinions and were excused J Is selleck had formed an opinion but it could be removed by evidence he thought he could give defendant a fair and impartial trial he was excused the defense taking an ex caption cep tion albert G ttomas and john F williams were peremptorily challenged by the prosecution special venire jurors were examined as they came into court ephraim nash and william gammon were ex aused by the defense alexander ellis win Eoy lanca and henry fairbanks were accepted and sworn the grand jury came in and reported five indictments the case of the united states vs aobert gillespie Gilles oie was ignore ii john W lynch and jennie L hart were arraigned on the charge of adultery they took until tuesday to plead mr martin of salt lake is their attorney court adjourned until tuesday morning at 10 TUESDAY C ernest green entered a plea of not guilty to the charge of arnd larceny the casa comes up on october caal W E davis entered a plea of not to to the charge oi murder he is charged with tilling charged broch at whitewater utah hia attorney is B R thurman john V lynch entered a plea of not guilty to the charge of adultery with jennie L hart john hartley witbeck waa arraigned on the charge of forgery it la charged that he forged the name of andrew S jenan on the back of a mt commercial bank check andrew S fecsen being the payee Angust en 1892 he took until the afternoon to plead mr houtz is his attorney the forfeiture of the bonds of bryan charged with assault noon with intent to kill one john fleming ordered set aside he was arraigned on the charge and entered a plea of not guilty new bonds were ordered to be given in in the sum of 1000 the completing of the enry panel in the lasa alte murder case waa considered wm clink james eudolph hunter daniel W thomas T F trane 0 C earl and alva adams were challenged for cane having formed opinions charles karren bad formed an opinion and was also prejudiced jud iced he vaa excused II 11 T boley joseph I 1 miller wm haves joseph jackson and james W smith were peremptorily challenged by the defense ira D wines and dameg crookston Croo keton were accepted ai jurors the jury banol canol is as follows 0 H pulver M Halliday Geo mckenzie laferre cuddeback dward reid john 0 thamas L T Sli elby henra Fair bantes A cx elia wm roylance ira ewines JW ines and janea ja nea crooksten Crook sted the indictment was read charging murdering adolph F kahlor at emera county on september jennie L hart entered a plea of not guilty to the charge of coart booe a recess |