Show jor ciN at julius WATCH at jalida hensens jensens Jen sens THE ensign will be here on thursday night krausel Kr auses chadabe Ha dabe chosu s war ranted ank cold nights are changing tie color of the wasatch range ELEGANT suits just direct from cala go at S S JONESES A LINS of dress roods worth going at at S S JONES co in endless variety for sale at gates PErn iture companas comp anys tre t re wishing horses pastured sp alv to thomas E mcgraw at cos store is a great deal of sickness among school children so trustee hardy THERB is a caia af diphtheria at the family of lira W H brown in the ward is consternation in the camos of the democrats over the publication of ane elate of the daises A of keys bound in the third ward will be restored to the owner if ne will call at the office has started to st marys collean col leae at salt lake where she will be in attendance a year IP you admi e beautiful weaves and librich Libri cd go aad aee S S JONES co FOR comfort and economy of room buy a folding bed you can find plenty ot them at the gates furniture store da G W SHORES has removed his residence to the allman cottage half block east of hotel roberts t primaries on monday night in all the precincts in the bounly every republican should attend W L HATE our pleasant grove correspondent is in the city on a summons for more jurors in the cass hite case moat t people over that cut and dried ti are toe demo brats the republic are wearing R emile elate made up by the provi democrats last neek was accepted by the rank and file in contention almost in whole go to the C 0 D fish poultry markci for all kinda of fish fresh stock only GEO A manager TUBES thou sard yarda of assorted carpets are on exhibition at the carpet boera of the gates furniture company Os ane of moroni levi frantzen threw a rock and struck john D draper on the temple draper died on the democrats throughout the country are furious over the succeed of the prove basses in crowding caucus slate through the convention IN the estate of annie C ward deceased the application of P L ward for letters of wai ses berday denied by judge jones THE west end Irro cery carries a complete block of groceries wherever the most goods are sold customers may be enre of getting the best and freshest f J K paecile advertisement appears in our aemi weekly edition mr P is a shipper oi traits and vegetables and carries a stock of general merchandise he eella cheap for cabb IN vie v of the ayaay slanderous reports concerning J M white it will be pleasing 10 bis friends to know that after a thorough grand jury ignored hia MR V L halliday called at our office today and admitted having a list of names of persons he expected would be nominated but denied that it had any connection with a caucus slate AMY the six year old child of mr and mrs W 0 beesley died last night of diphtheria it was a lovely child and the parents have the sympathy of fall friends and acquaintances the body was buried early this morning democrats who went home from the convention were wrath over provo bulldozing it is expected that there will not be corporals cor guard in that town to support the slata in november of dublin was presented 10 a fair sized audience last night it ia excruciatingly funny people who present laughed till sides ached johnt kelly is a clever comedian there was some good ginging J BECK our old bantre awe er is now located on J street dexl door to S S jones and is ui an elegant new stock of goods bertei than ever and cheaper too call and aee him when in want of anything ii hia line also he ia headquarters fo all watch work r THE first number of volume two 0 the B Y A business journal is out it is a neat business like sheet and a number of improvements 01 the first volume the editor ia U A gowans and associated with him are i number of able assistants leo bird i manager ana the number of good ada appearing pronounce him a professor Keel erana egertson of the B Y commercial department will assist the students in the editing and of the paper the journal will continue to issue biweekly and will wars with the normal for the beat interests of the academy in their respective spheres it is printed at job department |