Show legal notice in the probate prot at 0 court con r t in and for utah coun conn ty territory of in tho the matter of the estate of joseph buxton Decea deceased aed order ap appointing AM inting time and place for settle fettle meat ol of final account aud and to hear bear petition oz for distribution on oc reading and filing the petition of emms E jones administratrix of the llie estate ot of joseph buxton deceased setting belling forth that bhe na herfindal her final account or tier her ad administration mints artl upon said estate in ia this court c 0 3 r L that ald estate have b been e e u tally fully paid and that a portion of said estate s tate re mana maltis to tobe be divided among the lele heirs r i of saut salt dece deceased aped and praying among other things praying foran for an order allowing sa bald d final account wid aid of distribution or two residue olswald estate among the elie lenons arb entitled en itis it la ordered that ibal all persona interested in the estate of the said joseph joeph jo eph decease ej ed b and appear before the llie probate court of 1 the be cauntay of utah at the court room boom of gaid cour in the county court hibe on lh day ot of october RE at 30 10 a in trieu and baere ED to ghow cause why an order allowing said final account accounted nd it f dist cibu tion not be made of the residue of sad sa d estate mone the beira ana devises lofther of the said al if buxton deceased accord loc to liw law it Is luither ordered rd ered that the clerk cause noak ft to be posted in enree public places in utah county ina and a copy ot of ibis I 1 3 ader ader to be published it iii ilar F i a newspaper pointel Pl intel as d in utah county four w e i cai day of 0 october t J D JONES probate judge dated oct 1 tt ari tory ol of utti uth ills I 1 county of utah d f V L halliday Uail iday clerk cleric ot of the buur r in ana for utan county territory of rutih hereby certify that the foregoing is a fall fail true and correct copy of he original order ipp Binting time and place settlement for of alua and to ti heir hear pet petition tion for ilia dis tribu ton of odthe ilia estatio estaba est atso 0 joseph blixton de c 11 t and now on the qua and of r feord cord in my office nice wl sit ss mv bandarik ban hand darid and the seal of aid said s court ut my offic ein provo city ihu 1 ig dv dar of october A U D i es ir L of the probate county |