Show conference BATES VIA UNION PACIFIC for the territorial fair october ath to ath and the semi annual conference oct ath to ath good for return until oct the following rates are authorized for the sale of round trip tickets from frisco mallord Ss millis blanch Oaf iia juab 3 00 mend faybon Pa bt i fork Snug ville provo lite e vie v Pea bant grova american fork liebi alti junction D aier 70 50 45 10 germania Ger mauia W Krauck ln 30 kur 35 y 25 mammoth doremus laush valley U iu for irue of arrival and departure of ii fins see time card of tho union pacific i lri cluro in this paper special train between provo and salt lahe oct jtb to jtb learine provo a am arrive at salt lake A m keayes salt lake at p arrive at provo 8 p m ill leave provo at a macd p m leave salt lake at 7 ia a n and 42 pm good toa clieH will be furnished ani bour via ne pioneer line juniou ou sale oct ard 3rd to ah bavly |