Show CW oth the method and results nhep hyrup of figs is taken it 13 pleaman pl easan ad refreshing to the taste and acts bently yet promptly on the kidney and bowels cleanses the bys tern dispels colds head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation permanently for sala in and 1 liott lesby all druggists drugg istA FG SYRUP CO SAS oali kf tfx syracuse N Y Feb my MB pittsburg fa I 1 want to ask a great favor of yon I 1 want you to please bend a boy down to the hotel drus store next to the cafe and have them end half a dozen boxen of kransee Kran sea headache Hp adache capsules I 1 bought some while I 1 was in pittsburgh and found it wonderfully effectual I 1 do not krow how much they will cost so would ask to have them sent 0 0 D care of the Colo nade hotel philadelphia hoping that I 1 will have an early opportunity to return the favor I 1 remain very truly BAILY AVERY mccaull for sale by smoot drug co FOR SALE seven shares of provo dispatch co stock will be disposed of st good dis count or on a trade address X office tf I 1 ask es w EW GOODS NEW GOODS NEW GOO we invite the general public to gall and see alie most elegant and best selected stock of BROUGHT TO ta 0 1 I v H w in D 1 til iDAiA Ai and of the latest styles S djs ebs 30 and for infants and children ct tori a ii sa well adapted to children colic I 1 1 i cs superior to any prescription sour stomach diarrhoea kills worms elves sleep mil promote mown to me IL A M D Reet lon ill S oxford st N Y Vito out io jurious the ue ot Castori afa dl for years I 1 hate s mris so well that it seems wr gocr castoria and shall always continue 0 supererogation to endorse it few are ta do so as it has produced l i families bo do not keel caeto results inthia awn V M V chiulos martar DD vw wynthrop lu street and ath ave kew york atty late pastor churia new tork city tax CoMy urr 77 docx we now invite the people of provo and vicinity to inspect fall stock of hats shoes and furnishings that doubt without a parellee par ellel in ahr 7 whether in the point of beauty etyle loff vastness orp i rol excellence our large purchase not only enables us to secure i nary concessions in prices but to obtain hundreds ot the most desirable and exclusive designs and styles many of which cescot ba seen edthe territory S tl the never before reached prices in the very flood time of a reason which were gelling our and unapproachable array of FALL GOODS will aake em go like CHAIN LIGHTNING fc call at once are cleared out prices and quality tell business gjoci wibb Us A LAEGE OF MEA ONIAL 75 CALL EA SLY SIZE mo 14 union block provo j L P R JOHNSON A AVAL engagement and imposing production of william Ha great drama direct from a successful tour of all the largest eastern LITT and H GRANDEST SCENIC novelty GF THE dessot admitted by naval experts to le the only absolutely representation of man o war life ever placed upon the stage A stron p n ela tural human play col bolit G INGERSOLL A amm w M presented by a company of unusual strength doublas deck afu ofu S I 1 our ureah frigate ban jacento Jacl nto li iiii view of tha harbot ot ha ya boom ln walte natal apte will ring up positively ively at 8 INS FRENCH FEMALE PILLS containing cotton root and pennyroyal ras titia git ati EH aluth fiatti to lle amina brenca ft aiala pills bata been bold tor over twenty med bind ot udie who have alten that they are onez celled S as a ine dicine of im mediana V ot atna menses fa weakness Weak nesi etc irice nil direction TAKK yo oa CHEMICAL CO mien i by smoot druemo Dru eCo provo milling go j are now ready to store wheat and corn to have their mill in operation on or about november the machinery a tu all be the very latest improved and the quality and yield of will bo guaranteed equal to any other in the country REED pre TO mgr ati 29 1892 PAY of 25 to a weed to GOOD argentato agen tato in caery ana sell at nan price only those taka want wed apply Cata loRne ll caiar abent of 25 cants foiw 12 eseny |