Show city and county cottings jottings Jot tings TUB ensign is camink DIA MINDS at julius jensena iiona made lard at Spec karta cash market LADIES belta sets at irvine t barneis barneys Bar da corsets at irvine Baru eyB BALED hay for salao ne block west of hotel roberts of the line in beagan at Ko shards M L SCOTT of the spanish fork run ia in the city the end grocer 19 boiu a sno business busi nesa T pio ba obtained at TUB job office cheap laai in ecru black and cream at S S joasa co faank for sale at THE auice 10 cents each will ba cut up on easy terms h G V beickel call and afi ea him of abe market af forda at ve want your goon fall pasturage for horses ap ply to stephen bunnell center st provo am CALL at Bo sharda and buy your always first and price reasonable five per cent paid quarterly iuar terly on savings deposits at provo commercial bivings bank SEE irvina barneis barneys Bar show window or the latest eastern styles in dress boods trimmings etc THE ebon deau faient of 8 S jones was never more comple tesee the ladies shoes selling at aad voice culli french anil italian taught by miss lillian robarta Robar tg terms reasonable Au aresa provo no 1 vilums 2 of the business journal ahe organ of the B Y A commercial ilent has made its appearance 1 up received on savings de i osita T J R cashier primaries will be held on men day ni aest for the election of delegates to the count republican conven liou ane largest and best selected stock of woolen hosiery and underwear for men women and children at irvine barneis barneys Bar ol 01 title promptly tornish ed by the county recorder for all city county and mining property situated in utah counte ciarac gati nut coal is the best coal in tha market for the kitchen onla UX per ton deal spafford afford asiento asi enta har i fl iti 1 shoes shoes 1 mcewan ft G i will sill hata and their goodat coat tor the next th i ty days call at the provo bock and stationery coa eldredge and set your supplies ot new text books aba district schools t MR A goes to pleasant grove tomorrow evening under the auspices of the territorial central committee to lecture on republicanism OLD school books exchanged for new onea at the provo book store eldredge block children are always treated well at the old book store atit havia put in new machinery for fisit and packing boxes we are prepared to furnish estimates for any kind size and V mickela Mic kELt A girl to du general house work three dollars per week will be given tor housework and four dollars with washing apply to A roberta son center street 1 w the best borins medicina is a dose 0 two of st patricks pills they not only physic but cleanse the whole system end purify the blood for sale by pyne maiben druggists and bank pava fite per cent interest on deposits interact compounded four a vear mcewan co have just received a arge new stock of dry goods consist aig of blankets quilts knit underwear of all kinds etc prices down to bot m dark will loan you money at 10 per cent per annum 01 will tarnish you an abstract of title to your farm or home on shortest notice office in first national bank building provo utah P P the west end crober wishes it understood that he will close at whenever he gets ready and that may be when all stores are ready to stay with their agreement t LADIES dresa reformers the newest styles the latest novelties in dress consisting of wool chevron bieze whip cords roy ara basques bes ques jac ottoman turkish and roue diagonals chepou novelties rovel ties sal tin ottomans etc etc gujt received at civino barneis barneys Bar A well known throughout utah co nty bior his rank libera biam now cornea ont in support of frank J cannon with his bright little paper aba utah star hitch your chariot to a star |