Show digging earthworm Carth worm A man tells how to get earthworms without digging for them take a strong stick four or five feet long iong and sharp at one cud and go to some locality such as the ba back of a barn where re the worms are sure to be plentiful drive a stick four or five inches into the ground with a hammer or stone atone and then begin to twist it with a rotary motion every few minutes hit the top a rap to drive the point farther in into the ground and 1 lep ep on twisting in five minutes the ia worms will begin crawling out of their boles and all you have to do is to pick them up and put them in your can it louis globe democrat THE MORNING COCKTAIL taken before breakfast cheats croats a wee alee appetite A wineglass win egsa full fall af f dr henleys Hen leys eredish dandelion murii taken take before meals strengthens the digestive organs and enables you yon tc relish a hearty meat meal wilhoit it enry n iry the stura reh |