Show LEGAL NOTICE in te probity Pro bite curt c urt in and for or 11 tali tab voun toun ly terno y of butali in the matter ot of n escute of hit ton deceased older ill will billic uld place for settlement in antol 01 fi final p puilan dizion for or distri but on on reading bud filing i ile be pt lillon vl of dyuro hatton fmc executor 1 lilt ne detate ci hiie of aulian halton urro awa e lin ioree that inai U ue bas sled bis us til ifill t cui ul t of hl alb X ad 11 upon saiu effae in thib I 1 ourt court tuat bit 11 jhc thc of baid taldie abd dc ceAsed liae haye been fully paid 1 nod t u 4 ihal i bat a portion of kaid baid e estate late ro re i maire n a i r 0 o be divided armong jhb heirs of salt decease dand and praire 1 i ici n g other things w oi I 1 an oriler wic i d loul account and ot of buia estate among ilir ahr peti petitions tons enticed ri it i aeron interested in ll 11 Lc estie ile ol 01 tile st sahl id t ton de aa d be ba amro rd appear before the probate ourt oj 0 lie C 0 lae 0 ol 01 etab at the elie court room of 0 sam coul i m the 1 couney court houke on t he dai of october iaac at 10 a m then anti and there to blouw cause baui e why an arder alowis z said final a count account ana nd ol of distribution st nt be made ol of the ibe resi one nf f said otate among amon tile ine heirs and fists of at the sal sail I 1 deceased to law it la Is burtner ordered that the clerk cause notices to ta be posted iti ill three public places in utah county and a copy ol of this ier to be published in tue THE ENQUIRES a nebia per printed and d in utah county counti three waeta wr aas prior to said bat 1st day of october IW 1 J JD D JOINES probate J judge dated sept 3 mr 1892 T territory erl of utah county ot of utah I 1 W 1 I V L halliday clerk of the probate court for utah county territory of uth ut h hereby certify that the foregoing Is a ull full true arid of iho ibe original order appo appointing time and place tor settlement of final account and to 10 hear petition for ditri distribution b alou of ili ahe estate of william U dee deceased eased and now on file and ol of record in my office witness my hand and sea seal nt nf ald t probate SEAL court at my mv ollice in I arrovo city I 1 mia HA sri ah day josept oS ept A AD D 1892 va 11 I 1 di Y clerk alt rk of tle birb 1 irdale court U mi ah counts coun T |