Show swallow at sea two days after leaving port said egypt we had some leather looking served what appeared to ba a small black clond rising and coming steadily toward our steamer when I 1 looked again s few minutes later instead of seeing the cloud I 1 saw soiro hundred of swallows they flew around our steamer several times as though undecided whether to stay until the storm passed at last just before dark several of them alighted or the s of our main which was soon one black masa of birds the rain came down in torrents and it was pitiful to eee those frail creatures struggling with the wind and rain those of them that could not find a ro place soon commenced to fall on deck quite helpless I 1 picked up all those that fell on tho bridge deck and lodged them in the chartroom those birds that fell on the foredeck were sheltered in the forecastle by the crew the next day came in bright and clear with a light westerly breeze and all the swallows took flight just at guarise su arise flying in a northwesterly direction tha captive birds were soon set free and they followed in the wake of the others I 1 may say that all the birds we had wera able to fly except one and it died during the day several dead ones were found on the decks at daylight these the se birds had beautiful plumage and I 1 fancy thay looked rather smaller than the swallows I 1 have seen in england the captive birds had golden brown feathers just abiva and below the beak and white breast back black feathers with a bluish tinge wings and tail brown and four white spots across new bastla chronicle |