Show notice of sale gale oi of real keal estate at public auction notice is hereby given that in pul pursuance of an order of the probate court of the county counte and territory of utah made un in the day of adust Au august 1892 in the matter dihe of the estate of aeter peter alpe av decea deceased the undersigner undersigned under signed the administratrix of the said estate will sel cell i at public auction to the highest bidder for cash good and lawful money of the united states and subject t athe the conter mation by said Pr groate oate court on monday october the loth 1892 at 12 mat m at vie the front door of the city hall in the city f alpine cou county nty and territory of utah all the right title and interest and estate of the said peter il 31 at the time of his bis death and all the cigut title and interest that the said estate has haa by operation of law or otherwise acquired other than or in addition to that of the said peter AL M at the time oi of his bis death in and to all that certain lots pieces or parcels of land situate gyug and being in the said county and territory of utah and bounded and described is ia follows to wit the undivided one half interest of commencing 6 57 chains south of the center of section 19 township 4 south of range 2 east salt lake meridian thence south 89 deg 45 min east 6 85 chains thelca south 10 deg west chains thence north 85 deg east ch chains airi thence fouth 20 deg west chains thence south fi deg west 1000 chains thence north 40 deg west chains thence north 89 deg 45 min min west 1717 chains thence south 15 deg west chains thence theme south 35 deg 30 min west chains thence north nort tl 55 11 deg west 50 chains thence south 15 deg west 21 ajo 0 chains thence north 77 deg west chains thence south 18 deg west chains thence north 51 61 deg 15 min west chains thence scitt acri 3 deg 30 min west chains auth uth 84 deg west chains thence north I 1 deg 15 min east north 22 deg east chains thence north zo 60 deg 15 min east chains thence west 11 deg 35 30 min west chains chaing thence north IS 18 ag deg 15 min chains thence south 89 deg 45 min east 2015 chains to the place of beginning area acres also the u di one 5 A alpine city survey of building its to wit at the northwest corner of lot 19 baia said block 5 thence east 28 rods thence north aorta 9 rods thence west 28 rods thence south 9 rods roda to the place of beginning area acres also the undivided one hall half of lot 18 block 4 baid fraid plat area 5 of an acre more or less all in alpine cita 1 utah county utah the above described real property will be bee eold oldin in three subdivisions according to the several herein given iven terms and conditions of sale cash good and lawful money of the united states ten per percent cent of the Dur purchase chase to be paid to the auction pei on he day 0 sale balance on confirma conformant con forma forman ton t on of sale by said probate court deed at expense of purchaser purchase r JULI 4 E ae PRAY administrator of the estate of peter M deceased ro utah beut 9 1802 BOOTH af attorneys Attorn evs for the state estate |