Show marshals sale pursuant to an by echon Ec uon to 10 me directed by bv the first judicial court of otibe ahe tein ol 01 ulah isbell ext elspet pu bile eal sale ILI al ilie rort door of the vow tr truit 11 auxt hou t in cilyok city of provo corrai vt ef vt it t r if myrtry ir kiy of utah on oil tile the ith liv f jc fsr ft A D I 1 at a t tile bour of one t k aj pi ta aall all the right title titie claim and aid iu in ere A flaria ofin of ta and to the fali fulio lowig wu described ri fai estate and pens personal onal wt in berty situate ling and being in utah county Countr and described as follows to lo wit commencing at al IL a polut twenty t wenty avio rods east of the northwest corner orthe of alie st s ich quarter ol of section twenty tishee in to crouth of 01 range two emr salt aar e maidla me idla aud a n d rui lulng thence tabt alti roas t thence h forty rods thence wast eighty lods thence north eighteen rois thence east twenty two rods to place oi of b ganir also the west halt bait of the nori beast qua rier of sold said section and adjoining the la laud above described efland northeast north or theas easi and contain ing thirty seven acres 0 land more or less lese with birteen t shares barea or of water right to b be e sold ai ag tha property of joseph A c harris at the suit oi of remington johnson co terms of sale CASH dated sept uth 1891 C II if PARSON U US S marshal by BENJ f deputy I 1 |