Show real esitt canam BUFFALO N Y oct 4 there wag very little room to spare in music hall at noon today when the second con grass of the naton il asal estate asso was called to order by hon senj M well of milwaukee the call of the roll developed the fact that delegates asre present from twenty two R mm being john H alosi 11 itis vill vil E hinton little R k ark S lariba D nicholl new hi i C it E danver ailo uilo E fisher san franciaco gal TM weir tampa fla S annuel V goode ailanti At lanti ga malcoln manil chicago J A webb dad maines in S S louisville kv 1 M moora Girn fitt ean dimir warren detroit macli 0 E li it D luth minn E H ervine B tue munt P H pierce ht loaia mo U II 11 potter caffall Caf falo N Y A C II irton cincinnati ohio J Hn phon P ajas B tenn 0 A telaco Ve laco tex C E ake city utah win J morean milwaukee aia jamea md J II 11 willian J L lorn bard Chic jv hi H NY JC atlanta ga H H Cn liina toledo ohio J T frazier aja adville K A D ane milwaukee wa E 0 duluth sunn 0 W crawford velasco tex hon P handy chief of the department of publicity and promotion of the worlds fair is also present iri b h iff of that enterprise fir l having been here at the open ing session un tt welcome wa by president and of mhd local real estate dealers the latter that several thousand dollars hai ha i been for ahe en tha president weil in his addrena on tined the of the organization aa follows to establish and maintain a central body of reference and union for its members to acquire preserve and disseminate valuable information appertaining to real estate in the united states to encourage establish and irain tain uniform business principles and usages in reil estate iran actions to inspire and create closer fraternal relation between agents and of realty to encourage the organization tiou of associations and ex chaneta chane ea in various states and cities of the United states and direct and make uniform as far as poe sible the laya effecting real property in various states to discourage wild speculation and fictitious badma baoma to and direct as far as possible the of money in those sections promising promis inz tho irrea teat and most certain bouras ro uras to elevate and dignify tha real eshita business ta and doial amoni the tha to es babl na t hiti atau dard of ethics among redl man aej their rating by aenidas rhe congress will h in saadiya for three dava |