Show educational lien the worlds fair ESTATE keal estate rustlers Bust lers meet in buffalo NY on im business oct 4 that the educational leaders of tho country are up in arma against the authorities of the ex position owing to the curtailment 0 the apace educational exhibit was mada manifest this afternoon when the larna audience chamber of the board of education was corded with super of public instruction presidents of higher of learning and other interested n education for the purpose of entering a protest against the action of the expositor authorities prominent amoc those present were of public lane of chicago dr W N man of indiana belh af wisconsin fitch of william W bell of ana henry sabih of iowa and dr jamea H smart of purdue university indiana addresses were made beclar the space allotted to the de apartment part ment of liberal arts had been un airey airly reduced that every effort to accuro relief on tha part of educators bad been and that in the interest of fifteen million ran juatina khouli be done numerous telegrams fram educators at distant coines expressive express ine approval of the oh ejects of the mooting wera received and read the con farance will probably continue until a late hour |