Show THE ENQUIRER ani lahod evar sundays J bl THE COMPANY yu Egri 4 1892 H H president J OHM HENBY SMITH J E BOOTH S C GEO allson H SECRETARY J M jesses JOHN C MANA GEIl entered in peoro Poat office as fec ond class matter subscription one year by mail six months three months one month CO 25 one abai 20 one boar in advance la 10 six months ehtee months 75 CITY subscribers wib be delivered dt livered to any part of the fity at 90 abunta pel or P cents per week where delivery is irregular please mates complaint at the office or Talen hone N 27 THIS 65 merchant fix claud agency Terii sioe thadeo aaa ranch co CAI where contracts can be madeloy it for president BENJAMIN harreson for vice president REID for congress Con gresa FRANKJ CANNON for to locate uni hersity flaada JAMES PETERSON MJ JOSEPH D JONES the liberal party will hold to aether candidates in th fjield ie vause that ww give the democrats a sure thir judge judd outside of summit and salt balse there is no liberal paty today aad the herald says frank ir that aa regards the organization in thia hape it will not disband before the clasine ot the polls on the evening of nov 8 ve hope thia aa a partisan with three tickets in the field the democrats will go into the feht absolutely confident of salt lake herald THE haa a circulation that every week exceeds that of all he other newa papera in central and southern utah combined in utah it has a circulation that exceeds that of all the other territorial halff among the iron workers of free trade englan d and they are perhaps the most of all that coun arys workingmen 21 2 per cent own own homes among the iron workers ef the protected united states 20 per cent aop ETO E TO just ladies dress goods childrens dress trimmings ladies and childrens underwear shies hen les bacques Sac ques and jackets youths gents G borsets from at prices hereto mens furnishing goods BENJ BENNETT bupt supt we will beell at COST for CASH fa i a my mi begs flews aci Esi airs general agents for harvesting HAE VESTING now is the opportunity to make one dollar earn another please call and examine conr GOODS and james Thom sons old egand opposite west coop co op provo city utah SALT LAKE cash capital ZIONS SAYINGS BANK AND TRUST CO salt ala city WILFORD WOODRUFF GEORGE Q CANNON vice GEOEGE MCANNON cashier wilford duct lorenzo kaow langst and oldest george Q cannon francis M lemaa banle in aiau joseph F smith heber T grant we desire your fecco unta althon authon II 11 Lun dAngus M cannon wa pay 5 per cent enters inters in T G VYe huer H B clabion Cla wion aita on depo jaces jdick george reynolda write for parti caara L G hardy TO RENT A rear five roomed house on E centre street fine chance for any one em cloyed at or having business at the asylum enquire at eldradge bros 11 4 TEW CENTS ill be given for every four gallon k eg company delivered at the palace Saloon Provo 8 SINES Is the place lu go to when yon want fine glassware legant lamps FAMILY HARDWARE LAWN STOVES INCLUDING ALBUMS ditc the fair HALF BLOCK NORTH OP FIRST NATIONAL BANK paid in capital surplus DIRECTORS A osmont OS MOOt S S JONES VICE a H odulf JOHN G grahim JOHNSON TAYLOR W H dusenberry safe deposit vaulta fire proof hents ia to 15 per year receives deposits payable on demand collections sent ua receive attention and remitted remi tied at lowest rates correspondents new york national park bank san francisco pacific Rank Salt lake city deserea notional bank WARD STORE carries a full stock of faricy aud staple GROCERIES cash paid for fat calves maltell COX PROP HOLDAWAY utah county savings bak the attention of those desiring to open aings accounts is called to titan bounty savings bank which allows interest on deposits at the rate at 5 per i sent per annum compounded quarterly to loan on approved real estate security CAPITAL DIRECTORS I 1 a 0 pres B V prea J C W H SISO W E B w H DUSENB SEBY cashier biily 4 4 A AT OL c p imald main street salt lake city SUMMER GOODS IN GREAT flowers ribbons dress goods BIG reductions CLOTHING ETC EXCELSIOR butali dealer ial slona and FOP WHEAT J W hoover manage aam we are prepared to receive orders w make contracts for buildings of all descriptions estimates furnished on application we ba facilities for manalac the best and most durable qualities of BEICK in any required quantities samuel liddiard co PROVO UTAH era paa arol 9 t to rss S i aisa 9 visits t or T PT fortus SK jn ilLS ETC w r LOUIS MO EZRA H agent TROVO tm SUCCESSOR TO FARRER BROS BAST OF postoffice POST OFFICE gash paid for fat caides EXCELSIOR BAKERY BREAD diakes PIES ETC 1 risa LOT of CAKE ORNAMENTS AT AND sj peanut specialties a ann our fre bata a LUNCH lefiu KOOM frith oysters end ported house aura son liand A FIREPLACE FOR ladde Opi oll theatre broto ally H E oett loh prop OF sash doors Moul dings frames all kals ui r ti T i finishing work a specialty J aria okra betoi s manufacturers ot and furnishings BOBES WHIPS PUBS CHAPS HAMS TB 50 fine buggy harness a specially Stock mens saddles OP ALL KINDS REPAIRING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE horgest south of salt lake chloie bv mail promptly attended to i the popular tailor Is making suits to order cheaper than ever UNION BLOCK PROVO E THE BEST boef 21 pol vl ani AND PORK SAUSAGE vat calves and dressed hogs wanted free delivery to any part of the city J E cheever prop the have in connection with their opened a first class i i s ii AT THE UNION PACIFIC DEPOT LEHI and can furnish all kinds of conveyances vey ances night and day horses and mares tor sale at reasonable prices carriages carrying passengers connect with all trains on the union pacific and kio grandi western co fasti aoi IN U utah SPANISH FORK cooperative institution DEALERS IN general merchandise mens boy s clothing furniture and produce manufacturers OF mm mn mu OUT seni roller mills tards out flour that is cassed in the territory for merchandise flour or grain filled on short notice our motto ia to please conr customers JOHN JONES SUPT i ft ine a 1 1 S 4 Hagl eT ears s E KI rs ani ETO wm nl T liW Oiin W for elegantly bookert is RUCHES lEti iter traffic Kt Ct ow tie 33 DENVER COLORADO t ekr i marts auri a uri ali i caveats au d trade business conducted for FEES jent OUR once is U S PATENT liau cst f iu less laue 5 ana we can secure patent demota ram washington va model or photo trefoil 5 atlon we adrice adri ie if or not scoured f chirps conr fes not due till paten is win oh sin pater s how tn S A PAMPHLET cost of shaie in als addico i aay A 69 CS C 7 S J i i i jf V t 25 m rt s ai issa dah oft L jiin wt r lw t aal ta KiRl J y ir c 1 1 t aei just allt thi th i badiner biru lle aal t day NO Err os ditc itc or false EO frequent AS for simplicity it beats tho it oils itself H batteries or it buia a cheaper orada of chaa iv MIS amt TO pal REY aca frasar cal acil cr OU R EDS also gont sciacca aLca neuralgia kaniho a aach blood excesses esc esses 11 pa eel cr liter by wearing dr S inal pon er mag fa baue rams alich 13 si gj tIed vB 1 I 1 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