Show THE TARIFF QUESTION reduced to a point which all can fully understand Sp eakin of the mckiniry McKin Isy bill aada dr condon in the ogden standard I 1 want to give three illustrations to baale clear to the novice each proposition tariff free trade and reciprocity they are pictures drawn true to the life thich cannot be questioned by any orator from the editor of the post down to grover Clevelan dand I 1 promise to lie short for I 1 abominate a torpid mass of verbiage and figures that i tira the reader and cram bis cranium with statistical tables that will do one no good even if it ba understood suppose that I 1 owned the city hall equale all my belt and a circus had made arrangements to show there on eolie available corner where most people would pass on their to the circus it 1 bad nothing bette to do I 1 probably erect a booth and stock it with such things as I 1 thought I 1 could beell at thia juncture prof paul observing my advantageous tion should propose to open up a booth next my own for the sale of the very things that I 1 bad provided with do you think I 1 would ba wise to permit it I 1 should say something like this professor I 1 have the sole right to this ground and if I 1 give you privileges on it equal to my own I 1 might as veil not own the ground the people will be as ready to buy ot you as of me and I 1 will ba ruined because 1 must keep tha place in repair pay the taxes on it and derive an interest on the money invested but yon will get rich at my expense and have no risks whatever that is exactly ane position of the republican party to card foreign nations and we call it properly protection because we thins it protects in our domestic interests but suppose I 1 should say certainly my dear professor paul help yourself there is a good location pitch your tent close beside me and open up I 1 own this ground it is paid for the interest and repairs cost much and I 1 can meet my taa thia year at least and we will let next year take care oi itself I 1 employ the most skillful workmen to mako my wares and them well or doing it because their daleli tera want a piano in the parlor and a carpet on the floor and the boys want to go to college while yon hire ahina men at a few centa a day to make your cigars and you steal your popcorn but still you are welcome to an equal show as my money lasts people would call me an inspired idiot lor engaging in such a commercial well exactly the kind of frea trade that the democrat c party believes in and professor paul ia le adline suppose however that I 1 should maka reply to professor Pro feasor pauls proposition and say I 1 cannot divide my privileges with you because I 1 have been to much trouble and expense to secure them and I 1 must protect mv invested capital and lav uj something for a rainy day but if you will for eale only auch things as I 1 cannot handle I 1 would like to have yon settle down here beside me for those who are in search of your wares may be l moed to buy some of mv own and you will therefore there fora ba a benefit 11 me and without costing me I 1 may be of benefit to you and so well antt along you help me as much as I 1 help you oud we will both thrive that is the reciprocity that mr biarne is trying to elucidate |