Show m AI mi for w BOARDING STUDENTS provo cites water ordnances Ord mances should be revised back the session of tha city council on monday ight was not a ions one tut considerable important was transacted in accordance with the suggestion of the provi siana acro made for the con licensing of house keepers boarding stu dents exclusively the revising of the ordinance was also considered and the matter should receive prompt atten lion by the mayor to whom it wes re forred the bint to quiet the water rights of the city is an important move ane proceedings of the bonneil were as follows iho city council met on monday evening in regular session president barney in the chair councilor holda way was absent and councilor hann beig aa excused early in the evening it J asked to have his license transferred to hla for lu business mr J K parcel granted the city recorder reported licenses issued dunns the month of september amounting to report accepted and tiled ane committed commit tea on irrigation reported as follows to the city council of provo we v our committee on irrigation to whom was referred bo matter pertaining to the propriety of commencing euit to settle the water rights of prevo cita to the waters of provo nver have fully considered the matter and have conferred with the ee oral water companies taking water TO provo nver and beg lea e to re in our to be i the best interests of aroyo city to commence proceedings in the court to quiet the title of cita to tha vaters of brovo river and becom meni that the council instruct the city atto ney to proceed at once to corn fetics such action we further report tha we find it impossible to agree with the several companies and persons owning water in said river and would re comme that provo city do bot joo with any or cither of them and at once to determine her rights ac ROGER report adopted CLAIMS the following claims w err i reent td and except us noted alioti aud amounts appropriated kocka mountain bell telephone co 1500 marshal instructed to procure a rebate if possible on telephone glayton waterworks water works referred erred to the committee on waterworks water works geo havercamp recorder 50 00 win frahm sprinkling 1800 city teamster jorren hansen police department james gray deputy thomas E Thurman aulo win stion straw 75 STUDENT boarding BOA RuING A bill providing for the amendment of the license ordinance was submit ted by ane city attorney the bill pro aidea an exception to the licensing of boarding bouse keepers in that enose buo boa d students attending of learning a the city are not required to pay any license the bill passed its first and after some discussion as to parliamentary usage passed its second and third readings and was cassed unanimously the title of the bill was made the title of the ordinance mr farrer offered a resolution instructing ting the attorney to commence suit to quiet the titles to the waters of provo river as provided for in the report of i he on irrigation adopted mr maiben called attention to the report that salt lake city was about to lap some lakes at the head of provo river and that provo valley people wished to join them in enjoining salt lake city trum tapping aid lanes ao 20 action taken aae motion of mr farrer the committee on streets and alleys were authorized zed to purchase a stack of hay if tuey could get it at a bargain attorney houtz called attention to the fact that the city ordinances had not been revised for fifteen years and were in a very much mixed up condi tsou the ordinances bad been ameal ed and until it was difficult to tell what an ordinance was on of mr Mai benthe matter was referred to the mayor with instructions to ascertain cost etc of re ordinance and to report at an early date marshal brown called attention to the fact that the backyards in the business part of the city were in a ery filthy condition and it them cleaned up complaints were beina made that the scavenger charged too high a price for his services lie would suggest that a special tax be levied on business frontage for ane cleaning of back yard referred to the committee on quarantine with instruction st to to the mr probert sprung the dog tax question and moved that the marshal be instructed ted to enforce the ordinance mr madbea suggested that there was a vacancy in the city offices there was no do tax collector no action taken by request the attorney gave the council some information as to bow to proceed in giving notice to the street railway company that their franchise bould ba forfeited tha resolution at the previous metting evini notice of forfeiture was read and the attorney expressed his opinion that it ena vered afie purpose council adjourned |