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Show WAR BEING WAGED 1 Z ON "HOBO" SWEE Complaint Is Made to Commli That Itinerants Are MonopoM ft Business; License Urged. ' :f Pleading that "hobo" swoops; taking- all the business from the Ji j; mate followers of tho trade ano" jra committing many acts of Pilfenng reflect on the latter, W T. Burtoi j, peared before the cit.y commit again last night to ask that ciifl sweeps bo licensed. A ill Mr. Burton was informed that first petition had been denied. H commission saw no reason. tor cr such a license. , '"Vn,s510enrnll declared that such a license would, ono or two men a nPA?H J?0 ' noss, and would result m higher p e ifor cleaning chimneys. s , Mr. Burton pointed out that potty acts of thiovorir had beeni g niitted by the "hobo'- type of w g who conio into town . tor a wee t two, do a few odd nobs at chi g cleaning, and usually ft ?u qiderable amount ot loot, stolon w hchousos where they are omplgj The mayor sugge itcH that B rto up a petition, signed by all t no j mate swoops in town, and bring ii n fore the commission. j, |