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Show PRESIDENT UPHOLDS CIVIL SERVICE LAW Does Not Favor Provision Put in Urgent Deficiency Bill by Senate. WASHINGTON. Oct. S. President Wilton Indicated today that he did not favor oxemptlng from civil service deputy dep-uty collectors of Interim! revenue and deputy United States marshals, provided pro-vided In tho urgent dctlcloncy bill us passed by .tho etmtc Ho told callers It was originally Intended tht only 5r-?-clul n cents should !j exempted becauso of their iiecoHsarlly conlldcutal relation with collectors. ' The civil ervlcc commissioners protested pro-tested to President WlUon today, charnc-tcrlr.lm; charnc-tcrlr.lm; tho exemption a detrimental to the civil service. Objections lmve also been raised by many organizations. Commissioners Mclllmnney and Galloway Gallo-way conferred with the pre-ddont and an. effort to amend tho provisions In the house was .suggested. Administration Itudors in tint house, nnxloiif over the urKut tlellclcncy bill, which will como over from the isale tomorrow, to-morrow, are fiendtnc out appeals to absent ab-sent members to return to Washington and stay until thc bill ns amended ran be sent to conference and the report approved. ap-proved. The amendment in tho senate uboll.sh-Ing uboll.sh-Ing the commerce court but retaining the Judges thereof on tho circuit bench la expected to cause considerable discussion discus-sion and Republicans are preparing again to attack the provision removing deputy l'lilted States nuirehuls and deputy Internal revenue collectors from the civil service The fact that thero Is not a quorum of the house In Washington Is cuukIiib fie Democratic leaders considerable concern. for without one opponent of tho measure HD B might tlo It up nnd greatly cmbarr.iK 'if government department.- that are In need 3 S of funds, particularly the department of ml i labor. U I |