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Show IHJ Kodak Finislilng. I ill Salt Lake Photo Supply Co., 142 I jSs Main St. i I Open for Business. Xot closed, as reported, but running with a good force of men and in a position po-sition to do all elapses of work in tho found rj. Machine and blacksmith lino at reasonable rates. Wo also have in slock a large assortment of structural steel. llYJiUM A. SILVER FOUND BY" AND MACHINE CO. Both phones i'.QO.'t. Grand Ball Given by Congregation Montefiore, for the benefit of (.lie free Hebrew school, will take, place Wednesdny evening, Janunry S, 1908, at Kennedy's haJI, (38 Market street. Iloar the Hungarian string baud at toniirht's dinner, Cullen Cafe. mi i u n uui miniiwfwmui.xniiij,,wl,.iM., DE. GRACE STB ATT ON, OSTEOPATH, OSTEO-PATH, has removed her office to 516 Temple-ton Temple-ton Building, Residence, 156 East Brigham. Both phones. Loo 99 Laf Tie vices. J Tritrane-Beportor Ptg. Co., 06 W.2nl So,f Blank Book Making. Tribune-Beporter Ptg. Co., 66 W. 2nd Sft Legal Blanks. Tribnne-Beporter Pig. Co., 66 W.2nd Good Printing. l Tribnne-Boporter Ptg. Co-, 66 TT.apd St t McCoy's Stables. Carriages and light livery. Phones Sil |