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Show III In Hotel Corridors $ i Is' . if. i THE thirty or moro representatives of '( tho sheepmen who use tha Uintah forest i j j reservation for their flocks closed their '.''"I meetings at tlio Culien hotel Saturday y j morning and will not meet again until u. PrifJay, Jauuarv 3 0, when they will por- rjj, feet their orfe'dnization. !!. The delegates elected lo attend the Na-tional Na-tional Woolcrowers' convention In llcl- tf ! ona, Jlont.. January 15, will go Instructed pgjf to briiifr next year's convention to Salt i U it Lako if posalblc. W . lifcj K. U. DIAZ or Buenos Ayres and Hen ry ' L;i W. Crces of Blrmljigham, Eng., arc at i''tlj the Kcnyon for a fw days. Tlie tourists ijfi are on their way East, i ' n '' CHAPXBS HATCFT, one of tho wcalth- 'j icSt merchants of Hcber, Utah, is at the : I Culien. . ' 'j , V' JUDGIi: J. F. CIIIDESTKU of Richfield, ! - Utah, is at the Wilaon and will be in J (8 town several days. |