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Show Wc Hear of More Cures Of troubles originating In Impure blood, Bcrofula, loss of nppotite, catnrrh, rheumatism, rheuma-tism, byllood'e Snrynpnrllla thon by nil other Bo-c-illecl remcdlos combined. Somehow thoe cured by Hood's aeem to stay cured, and they Rladly tell the pood news toothers. Scrofula Sore "My wife had a scrofulous scrofu-lous soro on her lcir for years. Many different differ-ent medicines anvo but little bunntlt. Sho turned to Rood's Snrsnpnrilln anil tho noro quickly henlcd. It In irood lilbud mcdlcino." J. N. DArT, Crosby, Toxuh. Afflicted 16 Yenrs-"FIoo(r3 Saranpa-rllla Saranpa-rllla bus cured mo of scrofula, with which I have been troubled 15 yours, nnd cnuscd by vaccination. My little divnehter hurt jv scrofula swellintr on her nuck inid Hood's Siir.superllla nlso cured her." Mrs. Nora. Uugjiey. lluchey, Tennessee. Hood's Sarsaparilla la sold everywhere. In the usual liquid, or In tablet form called Saraatabs. 100 Doses One Dollar. Prepared Pre-pared onlv T tT rxjwelUMass. L HOW'S THIS? 1; We ofter Ono Hundred Doha" BJ for anv case of Catnrrh that cannok cured by Hall's Catarrh G"r' Jmlv F. J. CH73NT3Y fi CO.. Told. Wc. the undersljmod. have ltn7m .7. Cheney for the last 15 years, WMc lleva htm perfectly honorablo n JmJ ness transactions and flnanclalij "jW cany out any obligations roaao bj "WALDTXK. XnWAX fMASSC: Wholesale Drusslfts. To Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken '""'F acting- directly upon tho blood 'l" ML ous surfaces of the system. i"lHBE sent free- Prlco 75 cents per Dotuwwj bv all DinfTfjIals. --'iMT tfTako Hall's Family FHis foreorJWjj Union Denial JJ 218 Soutn Main. MMf Honest Work. Honest P, Palnesa Extraction of Teotji Pay. All Work Positively Phono Bell 1126-X; Ind.. 1 I Compared with the best known brands of Easuli; Chocolates, McDonald's is superior. Dutch ChocoljB have, taken the whole country by storm. McDonald, Salt Lalic, exclusive manufacturer of fine Chocolates 'aBL' |