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Show NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. Little Chief Mining and Milling company. com-pany. Principal placo of business, Salt Lake City, Utah. Location of mines. Tlntlc district Juab county. Utah. Notice la hereby given that nt a meet-Intr meet-Intr of th board of rllroctorn of tho Lltlla I Chief Mining and Milling company, held on the 4th day of December, 1907, assessment as-sessment No. 31 of one (1) cent per share was levied on the capital slock of tho corporation Issued and outstanding, j payable Immediately to James P. Drls-coll, Drls-coll, secretary, at McCornlck & Co.'s bank, corner of Main and First South ' streets, Salt Lake City, Utah. Any ' stock upon which thlb assessment, may Tcmaln. unpaid on Wednesday, January i 8. 1P0S. will he delinquent and auvur-I auvur-I tlsed for solo at public auction, and un-lesB un-lesB payment Is made before, will be sold on Wednesday, January 29, 1908, at 12 o'clock noon, at thu company's office, room No. 115, Mercantile Block, cornor of Main and Third South streets, Salt Lako City. Utah, to pay the delinquent assessment thereon, togother with coats of advertising and expense of sale. JAMES P. DRISCOLL. Secretary, I Comer of Main and First South streets. Salt Lake City. Utah. |