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Show Dies at Park City. Special to The Tribune. PARK CITY. Jan. -1. Arthur Williams died nl. lite residence Friday evening, from the effects of pneumonia. Mr. Williams was taken ill December 25, but improved fo rapidly that the attending physician thought him out of danger. Friday his condition became alarming, and he died In the evening. Mr. Williamn'8 death comes as a sad Rjrprlso to his many frlondH, as he was pronounced out of danger several days ago. He was born at Port Hope, Ontario, Canada. November 8, 1S50, The funeral will 'he held from the Manonic hall Sunday Sun-day afternoon at 1 o'clock. Tho Masonic Blue lodge will havo charge of the funeral ceremonies. The Knights Templar will act as escort and pall-bearers. Mr. Williams was a member of thu Woodmen of the World and carried a ?3O0O Insurance policy in that order. He leaves a widow and one child. Mr Williams had been a prominent business man In this city for many years, and leaves a host of friends lo mourn his death. Ho was of a genial, happy disposition. disposi-tion. I |