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Show MUD HORSES WIN ON EMERYVILLE TRACK SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. -t. At Emeryville Emery-ville today tho track wan very sloppy. The Carman stable added $2620 to Its long list of winnings when it captured tho Follansbeo handicap with Magazine. Four wore scratched nnd Cloudllght was added. Magazine took the load early nnd won all j the way. Mandator, hold at IB to I. was second, seven lengths In front of Deulsch-lnnd. Deulsch-lnnd. I First race, six furlongs, selling Eleva-I Eleva-I tlon. 110 (Borel). S to 1, won: CrysUU Wave, 01 (A. Walsh). 9 to 1. second; Dr. ! Sherman, 100 (Sandy). 10 to 1. third. I Time, 1:17 1-5. Lndv Beautv, Wllmore. ! Mabel Hollander. Peggy O'Neal. E. M. j Brattnin, Yank. Swagges and Abe Ruef Mulshed aa named. Second race, six furlongs, uclllng Tom Shaw, 100 (Lynch). 13 to 5, won. Bolo-man. Bolo-man. Ill (McC'laln). 8 to 1. second; John H. Shcehan, 110 (Davis), lfi to 5, third. Time, 1:16 2-5. Duke of Orleans. Rose Cherry, Ambitious. Warto Nlcht. Mar- ! garet Randolph and Nnppa finished as . named. 1 Third race, three furlongs, purse Apto Oro, 112 (Miller). 10 to 1, won: Patoia, j 100 (A. Walsh). 13 to 5. second; Beaumont, Beau-mont, 109 (McC'laln). 9 to 2. third. Time, 37 3-5 seconds. Arvorlght, Leonard. Sam i Shacna, Fargo Rose, llazclet. Carmlua, ; Solus, Ray McCurdy and Lovedale finished , as named. Fourth rare, seven furlongs, Follansbeo handicap Magazine, 115 (Burns), f. lo 5, won; Mandator, 102 (Miller), 13 to 1. cc-ond: cc-ond: DeuLsehland. 12S (W. Dugan). 10 to I, third. Time, 1:29. Arkllerta, Johnny ! Lyons. Judge Nelson. Native Son, St. Elmwood and Cloudllght finished a3 I named. Fifth race, mile and 100 yards, selling Blancho C, 103 (J. Butler), 6 to 1. won; Captain Hale, 109 (Borol), 8 to 1, second; Lazell, 110 (Rico). 8 to 1. third. Time, 1:51 i-5. Huerfano, Gromobol, Beech-wood, Beech-wood, Lasson. Cloverland and Fairy Street finished as named. Sixth rare, fivo furlongs, purse Burleigh. Bur-leigh. 109 (Miller), 2 to 1, won; St. Fran-I Fran-I els, 107 (Gargan). 10 to 1, second; Burning Burn-ing Bush. 101 (Mclntyrc). 10 to 1, third. Tlmo. 1:01 1-5. Ocean Shore. Gemmell, Prince BrutUB and Columbia Girl finished I as named. |