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Show - NO HORE FHATERNITIES l II CHICAGO SCHOOLS t i r President of Board of Education Considers Their Moral Effect Ef-fect Bad. CHICAGO, Jan. -1. Otto C. Schneider, Schnei-der, president of the board of educa tion, it is aunounccd today, will introduce intro-duce a resolution at tho next mcetiug of the board, prohibiting tho further existence of fraternities and societies in the city high schools, and making membership in them a ground for expulsion ex-pulsion of pupils from the schools. Professor Pro-fessor E. G. Cooley, superintendent of the Chicago schools, is strongly in favor of tho proposed action. Said 'he: "The testimony of the teachers seems to indicate- that tho gcnoral moral mor-al tone of members is lowered by their experience in this association; that idleness, expense, trivial conversation, love of display and tho snr"ad of gossip gos-sip all go with' tho fraternity; and that, iu the case of some special hoys organizations, organi-zations, we may add to those the keeping keep-ing of lato hours, ribald language, obscene ob-scene jongs. smoking, drunkenness, gambling and social vice.'' Since the euactnient of (ho present school board rule prohibiting nu'inbcrs of f ralernities from participating in school activities and the recent upholding uphold-ing of this rule by the Appellato court, tho organizations have1 felt their fight to be a losing one. but such drastic action as now contemplated by the school authorities surprises thenu What President Schneider proposes, however, is claimed to bo in direct linn with a score of Stato decisions and State enactments en-actments mado within the past three years, Minnesota. Indiana and Kansas havo prohibited fraternities in the public schools, and in sovoral other Slates local rules liko the one proposed havo been upheld by court decisiou. |