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Show Wh,' prescn-atiou o health, and prcvcnUon against disease is almost K;lrely dependent upon pure, heallby blood ; every org;an, tissue, nerve and lk'-T,1'CV? e body draws on this vital fluid for nourishnicr.l: and strength. Hjj? Poisons, humors and germs from various sources often get into the blood, and then this great life-stream becomes a source of infection and disease, E wslcadof a nourishing, health-sustaining fluid. Heredity is likewise an M lnJportanL factor, regulating the quality of the blood, Some persons are born V 1 I7 tainted blood from diseased smcestry, and Scrofula in one of its numerous jJL lorm3 is sure to crop out some time in life. Not only poisons in the blood iflre responsible for disease, but vhen the circulation is run dovni and becomes IMpoor and weak in qualttj', then we see the effect in a general bad condition ?Mr cr such as weakness, sallow complexions, boils, and various skin yfrqptious. All blood troubles require a Ionic, and blood purifier, and none jP. other equals S. S. S. It goes down to the mtW& A$j3fcl J$$l verj' foundation of the trouble, and removes pff 'a? 1 every particle of the poison or impurity from dwlSw ti 'tiwi tllCi lo0 An( llot onl coc - s- 8- SRKT $$0 antidote the poisons, humors and germs, but IfepllRFIV WcrrTADi r it possesses hcnUh-giving, tonic properties, 'Sr t- " GEl ABLE which build up and strengthen weak, impov-EMlj,jj impov-EMlj,jj erished blood, and fortifies the system against rSWSc ri " vC?' ' Pcrmaucutly cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, JijF-J"'3' cxema, Tetter, and all other skin diseases and disorders. Book -jT. blood andjiuy medical advice free. - - .. Malone 's new billiard hall, Atlas t block, fourteen now Brunswick & Balke tables, opens about January 2, 190S, No bar in connection. Tribune Want Ads. j ' Boll phono 5201. lnd. phone 360-343. SALT LAKE I TUMF EXCHANGE. 18 Bast Second South St. California. nd Eastern races. Dlroc: wlio tor all p or tine events. Additiona Sporting News ou jM Tage Twenty mu Scoifs San!al-Pepsfn Oapsufes m POSITIVE CURE m'!; 'or Inflammation or Catarrh HflS1 1 t the Bladder and Dlwasjd yjtwi f Cldnoys. HO CURE HO PAY. TOfi I :arss qalckly and perma iWn ently Iho worst cnse-5 of WMa 2onorrLoea and Gloet, amk o met tor o: hor ong stand- iliK- ie. Absolutely harralcsB JiSSiL old bydrugglsts. Prlco?l.W Sw)U or by mall, vostpald, f',on lillfia; tbroe boxes 32.7n. HttfTfi'i THE 8ANTAL'PEPEIH C1G K 61LLHPONTAINQ. OHIO. C F. J. Hill Drug Co. Salt Laka City. Is g.; GHIGHESTEB'S PiLLS II W,. THE DtAMOiri BBAA'n. A tit W ' yvejLtX ldtot Tonrltpajrclrtf.-r A "Jt-jftl' frSviftk 11110 ID He3 tad ,ld mctpUcV -0 H . EK k3 e,0. Kalctl lih Blu Ribbon. V HsJ Hi 1 -f5S aWQ Take no other. Buy ofraar V KlSH!' K 2g DIAMOND B.1AND VVUU. frr CO ittJ SW1 r SQIP BY DBUfifilSTS EVERWHF.RE ffil'i ! A SMOKER'S RESOLVE: 'M' To smoke nothing but CJressida Cigars in 1908. P 3 Si: B RIEGBK Si IjINDLBY, M MjBp j Tho Wlliskey Morchanta, Distributers. p |