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Show JUVENILE COURTS IN STATEJF UIHH Willanl Done, Secretary of Commission. Files Report With Governor. LEGISLATURE SET ASIDE $15,000 FOR TWO YEARS ! Attention Called to Meagemess j of the Appropriation ; Good j Work Done. i "Vil)ard Done, secretary of the Ju-vonilo Ju-vonilo court commission, filed his report re-port with Governor Cutler Saturday, the report covering the period from March 24 to December 31. Mr. Done says that reports have been received from the probation oflicers of all counties, coun-ties, excepting Beaver. Juab, Piute, San Juan and Uintah. The probation officer of-ficer in Juab county, howovcr, was not appointed until &ovembor 0. ,.1907, which may account for his failu'ro to report. Tho reports received, Mr. Done says, show coinmcndablo activity and a high degree of discretion on tho part of judges and probation officers. During-tho During-tho period covered by Mr. Dono's report re-port thirty-one boys and nine girls have been committed to tho State Industrial school. The Lcgislaturo appropriated $15,000 for Juvenile court work for tho years 1907-S. of which tho following ambunis have been expended: Secretary's salary $ HI. 00 Salaries of Judges and officers.. 4,718.00 Incidental expenses 727. SO Total ?5.53G.S0 Balance on hand December 31. . .$9,403.20 Mr. Donc's estimate of expenditures for 100S is as follows: Salary of secretary $ 120.00 Judges 2.S00.00 Probation officers ,.. 4,425.00 Janitors and telephone service,.. 242.00 Total ?7.5S7.00 Expenditures in 1007 5o.53C.S0 Total J13.123. SO Balance for all incidentals 51,S7C.20 In conclusion, Mr. Done calls attention atten-tion to tho incagerncss of the appropriation appropri-ation made- for the support of Juvenile courts, but says that good men have been secured, in souio cases at a personal per-sonal sacrifice ou their parts, in the various positions. Ifo also calls attention atten-tion to tho pressing need of detention homes, especially in Sail Lake, Weber, Cache and Utah counties. The report closed with the declaration that the work of the courts has been most saSjs-factory saSjs-factory and thai it is achieving much good. |