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Show Lchi Notes. Special to The Tribune. LEMI, Jan. -1. Clarence, 10 years old, sou of Foien Sorenson. nearly lost his llfo Friday. It appears that the little fellow fel-low was thrown from a horse, alighting on his head ln a ditch. The horse, returning re-turning homo riderless, caused the boy's parents lo search for the rider. After an hour's hunt ho was found groping around In the ice and slush in an unconscious condition. A few hours Inter he regained consciousness, but Is still suffering much pain. The I.cbl City Council ln special session. ses-sion. Frldny evening, repealed the ordinance ordi-nance compelling quarantine of homes Infected In-fected with nicaalcs and chicken-pox. Inasmuch In-asmuch as Salt Lake City docs not make this requirement it was not deemed necessary nec-essary by tho city fathers lo require it locnlly. The epidemic of measles having subsided, subsid-ed, tho schools will open again Monday. Last monlh tho quarantine physician reported re-ported 000 cases of measles. |