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Show w l,m i' Muni i mmimiikmitwigEa&i iff I Fec3 Well Fed ; all dav when you begin on ds i Jl This food oiiBlains the strength tub Ha a5 ncno other does. i ; "There's a Keason." It PILES Quickly Cured Pyramid Pile Cure Positively a Marvel of Quick Curing Power. Send for a Free Trial Package Today. We want cvry man and woman suf-rerlnfj suf-rerlnfj from tlio cxcniclntlnp torture of pllea to Just send their name and address ad-dress to ns and gnt by return mail a froo trial package of tho most offcctlvo and positive cure ovor known for this disease. dis-ease. Pyramid PIlo Cure. Ah an example, Emma Bodcnhamcr of Bedford, Indiana, was In constant pllo-agxmy pllo-agxmy for" 23 years. Throo 50-cent boxes or Pyramid Pile Cure cured her. And GeorBO Branelcrh of Schcllburg. Pa., cured his li -year piles with only one 50-cont box. The way to prove what this great remedy rem-edy will do In your own case, is to Just send your name and addross to us and you will get by return mall a free trial treatment of Pyramid PIlo Cure. Then after you have proven to yourself what It can do. you will ko to tho dnig-Klst dnig-Klst and pot a 50-cont box. Don't undergo an operation. Operations Opera-tions are rarely a success and often lead to terrible conpeauonces. Pyramid Pile Cure reilucos all Inflammation, makes congestion, Irritation, Itching-, sores and ulcers disappear and the piles simply quit. Send your name and address today for this free trial treatment to Pyramid Drug Co.. 137 Pyramid Bldg-., Marshall, Mich. On sale at all drug stores at CO cents a box. 1)0 You Open lour Mouth Like a young bird and gulp down whatever what-ever food or medicine may be offered you 1 Or, do you want to know something of tho composition and character of that which, you tako Into your stomuch whether tA food or medicine? Most Intelligent, and sensible peopla now-a-days Insist on knowing what thej employ whether as food or as medicine. Dr. l'lorco believes they havo a perfect right to iuststuponstichknowledgo. So ha publishes.-xQadcast and on each bottle-wrapper, bottle-wrapper, whatjn3mtdjclncs are made of andvesJrtcTwiXrJ) This be feels he can vU.TlTord to do hceause ttiw rriorg thc Ingredients of .which his medlclncB aremadc i are studied and understood t.ho more will their superior curative virtues' be ajTTnrfcTTrfi " Tor the cure of woman's peculiar weaknesses, weak-nesses, Irregularities and derangements, giving rlso to frequent hoadaches, backache, back-ache, dragging-down pain or distress In lower abdominal or polvlc region, accompanied, accom-panied, ofttlmes, with a debilitating, pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symptoms symp-toms of weakness, Dr. Pierce's Favorlw Prescription Is a most efficient remedy. It Is equally effectlvo In curing painful periods, In giving Blrength to nursina mothers and In preparing the system ol tho expectant mother for baby's coming, thus rendering childbirth safe and comparatively com-paratively painless. Tho "Favorite Prescription Pre-scription " Is a most potent, strengthening tonic io the general system and to tho organs distinctly feminine in particular. It Is also a soothing and Invigorating nervine and cures nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea or St. Vltus's dance, and other distressing nervous symptomB attendant at-tendant upon functional and organic diseases dis-eases of the distinctly feminine organs. A host of medical authorities of all th several school? of practice, recommcn.i each of Iho several ingredients of which "Favorite Prescription" Is mado for the euro of the diseases for which It Is claimed to bo a cure, You may read what they say for yourself by sending a postal card request for a free booklet of extracts from the londlnsr authorities, to Dr. R. V riercc. Invalids' llnrrj and Surgical Intuitu In-tuitu Ui. "Buffalo. N. Y and It will some ti you by return poaL Vfc JS Joy e household, for withont WP ifr iiffif uSaF 7 xa&K no happiness can be complete. How. iiP!) tli liCli Hf wect the picture of mother and babe, far Hsiii Ea angels smile at and commend the Rfl IHJS thoughts and aspirations of the mother1 pfiil P Eg llffl & bending over the cradle. The ordeal through PI ffl H r" Mi which the expectant mother must pass, how-f&yi how-f&yi g Iffi fjgfzj ever, is so full of danger wnd suffering that she looks forward to the hour when she shall feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and fear. Every woman should know that the danger, pain and horror of child-birth can be entirely avoided by. the use of Mother's Friend, a scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens and render pliable all the parts, and , assists nature in its sublime , myt Q ' hhJI SSluP work. By ils aid thousands W jjn U j?j Vcl great crisis in perfect safety vtfe' end without pain. Sold at $i.oo per 5K3 j$ S5 bottle by druggists. Our book of priceless L jagyra Wtih value to all women sent free. Addrccfi w $3 ?p Imp Hj m ensaFIELB REGULATOR CO., AOnnta, fflc Hi W SIl M Wi W 2 , COMMENCES jyO j 'jl LOWER GO THE SUIT jl I AND OVERCOAT PRICES ! Here's the Revised List of j Reductions ! Men's $48.50 Suit or Overcoat -.-..-$29.00 ; Men's $40.00 Suit or Overcoat .- $27.30 Men's $37.50 Suit or Overcoat - i - $24.85 j , jH Men's $35.00 Suit or Overcoat $23.50 ' , Men's $32.50 Suit or Overooat ; $21.35 j;'; 1 Mcn'B $30.00 Suit or Overcoat A--- .-$19.85 j; IH Men's $27.50 Suit or Overcoat $18.40 jj, ' Men's $25.00 Suit or Overcoat 1 $18.15 jj-j. .; IH Men's $22.50 Suit or Overcoat $14.35 fj; Men's $20.00 Suit or Overcoat $13.25 -j; Men's $18.00 Suit or Overooat $11.85 ; ' 1 ' Men's $16.50 Suit or Overcoat $ 9.85 Men's $15.00 Suit or Overcoat- : - -$9.85 The Saving of Dollars Greater than Ever t H Furyiishiyigs EedwseA p Tribune Want Ads. Bell phono 5201. Ind. phono n60-348. I Do Wit I -"b Little Early Itisers aro the? , t best pills known. .Sold by Ansteo-Brice r. ' ' rH Drug Co.. H Main street. t Mine. DeVere's Perf ecioM ' -vl Cold Cream M Said one lady to another: "It's the Lest cream I j--. have used. It is greaseless aud docs not promote the , j. S'l growth of hair. I ibid it keeps the skin nice and soft and ' builds up the sunken lines." n--, ','i Perfection Cold Cream is widely used and the sale is ''. ' running ahead of that of other creams. Big jar, 50c. . 'i- THE BUSY CORNER V -fl Smith Drug Co. Open all night. Order phones, 4360. ' HWBHiiawHHS nTnrir""7" ; 'H |