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Show I I e 1 CLYDE HILLS, KNOWN TO MANY BOYS, I J PASSES INTO THE GREAT BEYOND it : 4. i Little 12-year-old Clydo Hills, for j years a familiar figure among the newsboys news-boys on account of the long red curls which hung over his shoulders, and one j of tho most enthusiastic members of the Juvenile band of this city, died early Saturday morning of pneumonia i at the home of his mother on Eighth j West, between First and Second North. ! For several years Clyde, with his 15- j year-old brother, has been the sole support sup-port of his widowed mother, and his death will leave a sad place in the hearts, of his family. Ho will be missed, too, by his comrades on tho stroot, among whom ho was known as "Roddy," "Rod-dy," for his cheerful disposition, aud by the members of tho band for his untiring interest in tho work of that organization. Ever since the band mado its trip East on a concert tour Clydo has been known as "Tom Pitt's boy." because it was through his influence that the boy was enabled to obtain the necessary neces-sary new uniform in which to make the trip. AIJ through his illness, which lasted several days, in hi.s moments of consciousness con-sciousness his thoughts were for tho '.band with which he had spent so many happy hours, and he pleaded to bo al- I lowed to go to practice. I Arrangements for the funeral have not yet been completed, but it is under- stood that tho band will attend in a e bodv and will send an appropriate1; Jloral offering. m |