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Show IBSNNEO PERIOD OF COAL PRflDyCTfON ' Sfufe Coal Mine Inspector, J. E, I Pottit, Files Report With i Governor. . PRODUCTION FOR YEAR REACHES 1,907,621 TONS I "Closing Down of Smelters Relieves Re-lieves Shortage in Cities: Small Appropriation. 1 '.The year 1007 has "been a banner B ;. period in the history of coul produe- H i ' S tion,' according to tlio annual report of H State Coal Mino Inspector J. E. Pettit, H which was filed with Governor Cutler H Saturday. The report covers the year H " up 10 November 30 and is a comprchcu- H fiivo document. H Tho entire production tor the year fl was 2,967,621 tons, an increase of 12S,- H 432 over the production for the same H period in lOOti. Ooko increased 24,407 H tons, tho production for this year bc- ing 32-1,692 tons. H f ' During tho year 217,152 pounds of H black powder and 10S,050 pounds of H giant powder were used. Tho men em- H ployed iu the mines aggregate 26S7, an Ht increase of 712 over 1906, and tho aver H ae production of each man was 754 1 .tons. There were ninety accidents dur- 1 ing" tho .year, eight fatal, cloven scri- B ous and the others minor- Four of tho H men who were killed had families, their H 1 children numbering a total of sixteen. The nationalities of the men employed H in tho mines are given as follows: ..Americans, 1032; Greeks, 614: Italians, 1 42S; Austrians, 392; Finns, 144; Ger- 1 mans, 48; French, 20; Belgians, 11; Hl j Swedes, 23; negroes, S; Japanese, 5(1; Chinese, 1. During the year 2S3.S94 ton3 of coal were sold iu Salt Lake, as compared 1 with 264,533 tons in 1906. At tho pros- Hj ent time there arc nineteen big miuos Hj in tho Stato and numerous small ones. Worked to Full . Capacity. Mr, Pettit roports that tho increased demand for coal and all hydro-carbon products has caused tho mines to bo worked to their full capacity and that Hj only two holidays wero recognized dur- j ing tho yonr. It is also pointed out that the demand has caused tho price H. of coal to bo increased about 20 per H cent and that tho wages of the minora H nlso have been increased from 10 to 20 per cent. Hj' It also is pointed out that tho rcduc- ' t!on .of smelter operations has been a Hj bo6n to residents of cities, as tho coal H, not being needed by the smelters has como in larger quantities to tho cities H'f a time when it was being needed. Coal operations have been singularly free from labor troubles during .the ' year,- oulv one diOlcultv having oc- j curred. 'This was in Weber county, : where the closing of a mino was throat- H, ened, but the mattor was amicably- ad- .iusted in four days from the time that the difficulty arose. , Bight thousand acres of coal lands Hi1 were filed upon during the yenr and the following companies wcro organ-izod: organ-izod: Independent Coal & Coke com-Hl com-Hl pany, Ken ll worth: Pcoplo's Coal & ' Coke compairy, Wales; Sunshine Coal H .& Coke compan3'T Wales; Recs-Grass 1 Creek Coal company and Utah Steam f Coal company, Coalville; Crystal Coal ' & Coke company and Federal Coal com- . pan', Carbon county; Consolidated Fuel , company, Emery count', j Production by Counties. Bj' Tho following tabic shows tho pro- H Auction of coal in tons by counties: mW . Carbon 1.S16.133 . Summit 73.01 S H: . fianpnta -1,500 Kmery 2.5G2. j , rorfrati -121 j 1 Otlier small mines 70,117 Total 1.0G7.G21 H' , This is a gain of 12S,432 tons over H; The production of all hydro-carbons is given iu tons as follows: mW: ' Gllsdnitc H! Elnterlte 125 mMm 1 Tahbylto 100 mMm Asphalt 4.000 mMm Ozokerite l,5G5 Coal 1,967.621 ( Coke 334,002 j; Totnl .2,310.rjG5 ) m Mr. Pottit recommends tho sugges- , tion made by bis predecessor. Gomor j, Thomas, that it shall bo mado unlawful for any miner or employee of a mine . to uso or 6efc off explosives during the I'1 "working hours, and that all shots must H be fired after all the men are out of the miue ercept those who aro needed to firo the same. Hr. Pottit also says that by Teason , of the limited approprition for- travel- H: ing and incidental expenses allowed by , the last Legislature, it will bo impos- sible for him to visit all tho coal and T hydrocarbon mines of tho State during I tho present year. |