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Show I)!,,' CLARK'S CRUISE OF THE "ARABIC" jj " PTrVH lG.OOfo tons, line, large, run jj rH' unusually steady I ' ;J 9 O TME ORIEM 1 February 6 to April 17, 1D03. i,i Seventy days, costing only $400,00 and up, , ,t including- shore excursions. SPECIAL FEATURES!. Madeira, Cadiz. Seville, , ' Algiers, Malta, 19 Days in Egypt and tho . J Holy Land. Constantinople. Athens, I ,! it jlomc, Hie Riviera, etc. TOURS HOUND , THE WORLD. I L j 40 TOURS TO EUliOPE L i most comprehensive and attractive ever j r 4 offered. i ' I Ff C. CLARK, Times Bldg-, Nev York, fc 1 MiL Better shoes for less money. The writer of the Hirschman Shoe Store & advertising has always made it a point of personal pleasure and pride to have II . every item advertised in liberal satisfying lots, appreciating the fact that a l bargain is a bargain only when you can find your size. Take for example that 1 splendid $1.69 special for women values range from $3 to $5- WE HAVE 1 TO UR SIZE. And so we might go on and enumerate each item. We wish I to particularly emphasize the fact that splendid reductions prevail throughout the entire store. A discerning public has long since found that no superlative I ' adjectives are needed to explain the superiority of the Hirschman values. We I are making the great effort of our business career to excel all previous records. . Get the Business is the order and here are the prices to do it. I All goods exchanged. Money refunded as cheerfully as we take it. . ' . . Men's leather house Womea's comfort Girls' shoes, good ! Little men's calf Wo"len's genuine A few odd sizes of i a dongola shoes, light a t women's $3.50 shoes. Sllpper5' ValUGS t0 ! lace oxfords or Juliets, grade calf skin, values skin shoes, values to 0r heavy soles, values M $1.75. values $1.50. to $3. $1.75. . to $2. It I Men's best $8 tan Infants' hand turn . A Child's dongola I Women's extra I S Ladies ielt JUlietS, , . . a Dnlcrvillp fplf inli I I ? viscolized boot, an ex- shoes, sizes 3 to 6, val- j shoes, sizes 6 to 8, val- 1 voigvme ieiL jun- . good wearing shoeS) tea value. ' ues to 85c. ' valued to $1.25. ues to $1.25. ets, values to $1.50. value to $2.25. I Clean up of wo- j The best shoe offer- Best wearing boys' l Men's good style Swell effect in new Ittle spac but a I 1 men's shoes, values to I ing in town for men, j shoes in town, $2.25 shoes for dress or style women's shoes, dandy special, com L 1 1' I 1 Plete lme women's 1 : I $3 to $3.50. j values to $4. value. wear, values to $3.50. a dandy special. shoes values to $4 1 I AsPef;ef- I stm$8B0 Highest grade of The highest grade j Women,s best $5 discount-on any man's women that has mac e Standai d makes $3.50 men shoes roduced shoe produced for wo- hteh top shoes in tan top shoe in the I ! I us famous, values to I and $4 shoes for men. $5 and $6 models. I s 9 ' 9 tnre I I J j $5. j J men,$5and$6m0 j Wack or elk skin. ' 3 " " f I j discount on any zvomen'S' from our already low prices ' , OO j I I fleeced lined shoe or juliet on boys', girls' and baby's j on iwts$es ana children s J t j m store. j J shoes. ' F dffirrTw'IWimiiwannWiWf 11 pi ifiiif'grfiTPWMa.ww.viwta |