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Show Against Co-Defendant, jWCharles H. Moyer, Is Then J Promptly Dismissed. iKciIARD AND SIMPKINS j GASES ONLY REMAIN ifcoris to Connect Federation Kjflicials With Steunenberg I Killing Failure. jftjOISK. Mr... Jan. 4. The cml of tlio Xt$ciition of the men charged with the JKrilcr of ex-Governor Steunenberg, aHli tho exception of the eases ol" liar-jBjOrchanl liar-jBjOrchanl and Jack Siinpkins. came ?H(av with the acquittal ot Georgo D. Ktibone. C harles II. Mover, prcsi-'Kit prcsi-'Kit f the Western Federation of iBicn!, was formally released this after-ZKn after-ZKn at four o'clock and will return. Srh Pettibone, in ii feu' days (o Den- ?BliO case of Orchard, the solf-con-iBfcrii flFsnssiu of Steuncnborg, is in the Xuids of priiSrtcuiing attorney Van pro, of Cannon county. No statement M'to tlic futiirc procedure in that ease KWn made, but it. will probably be Ke during the next, term of court ut Knrcll, when it will probably be fiu-TKil fiu-TKil disposed of. Siinpkins, a" member jMithn executive board of Western HferRlion of Minora, who is charged iHti complicity in the erimc. is a fngi-from fngi-from .iiisticc. and the charge j9kinst liim v.' ill stand. Moyer Car.o Dismissed, icn tlio Mover case was called bv IHm Wood this afternoon, James 11. JBley, rcpusenting Prosecutiiigg At-Jfcrvaii At-Jfcrvaii Duyn, signified the desire of jRsule In 'uive an order of dismissal satisfied," said .fudge Bu''v ' course taken by the ct Rtt' .r ,. , ,1 decided upon by IWMjd rr , s,:iLe is tho proper fy.ta. ' .,a--- io tho matter, r JHwa'th 'vidtice carefully, W-".tD(' ,u " '4'ig ami ?orrobora"t-jfccrdciicc ?orrobora"t-jfccrdciicc o,'. H.Atatui.; wasoou-1 wasoou-1 apr t. ..tjoii crt ,; riofen-and riofen-and tbrTn "crtu-:nI, noting E aevclnpe.l , ,hc two ;.:i8 WW" 3"Etuy i.... court in So-bmil'i ip Mt.-ease against bun io a iurj unVes IjWrc was considembio addition eon-WPW eon-WPW testimony than tint which hfts jMtj' "Own in the two cass..,tbut lve k-Mi1, Vl . for t,,at raagon th0 1 -he dismissed and :ia ordor iu. Pfctoncrating the bail of, the da. Kpther Cases Dismissed. Btrc . '" '-ho State, the cases K'Dr "r ?nd c- w- Aller, BlwiHi Miry) reason of lesti-fivc-i -,m.,tn',M5 Haywood a " sA'M,oufru I he -iWWwpO j 'r n-jTvciJ" tliat thir de-iWOtHI1-"! 1 1( krjrir?,rr, it lias A lcani.:d ..i. to "Vt brUJoi" .vote was t -. lu.' majdltj hoinjf 'im(jtiitt:il Ii.. fu,.ond by lot re-lgd re-lgd m n vote ol fl to 2. Th t5rd 10 t0 "r"', M0 fc ribjnw '' JKRroogn the night. Thro bbJrt'1 'Mr convictlo" were finally ' va lM$lonc an(1 Mover received bijuiv IK"1? of I'ongratuhition, e:iueny Ulorado friends,. Pettibone, -af -iBlft ycr-v. ,n. for tll,! P:,st lwo wpeks, IHil 0 ,he lo('a' headquarters of the JKU" I'ed.'ratiou this afternoon. BOW IS GRATIFIED, ! f BUT NOT.SUBPRISBD SlAMGi;iR' Jil"- -Claroi.ee S. t &i,,e 1 h.u'ao attorney, who di- llihnnn .I"!0"50 t Haywood nnd i Wl'V-1" l?fla- in a Peking SltJ nih,s hcd ;lt.tho California 1 St?Z? nieasre. I hud. of -3 ;e,X,,ectefl a" Tiittal, but to 1 ffi V5 a crcat satisfaction." 5 rnSr0W ,theJ? dictated Iho fol- 3fS?inU,atlon.9' Com T have JwSiim, 0.-:,, ,or hvo morals." Tr n n 1,lrtl,(r UP tlio ro- SjK b?t fM np.verTf,in3,nsr to these 'Lt o ?rc,.'3r,L 1,0 relatcd a weird. mi """.ration, of it that tended of 3Err l,!1Crinn"!'tc, anybody. Tho iml nn,rC" 1 '- HnywJod trial Jla ol Z",-1" 'ho life of anv We trh Jl 105,1 ,ra'.v. Ui tho Petti- WoSSi;0!-111'' H,l.rv of Orchard and fcSJ ''I'lcd it. Very Jittlc jWrm was paid to it. 91 Moyor Oae Woakor. iWiid that the prosecution 'ian.iUi(?,vhnr testified to very f!rt hMthim 11,1,1 "? 0110 "l8e 5S tlit ,,P wan a,1?"cd to bail "imriM ?ro?oc,1tou held their 4rEanst him to be weak.'1 'c logical result of tho 3E8rTibo,h "?.Vwod and 1,'ctti--iWi frr P'row said: ifMn iV; .U,r Astern Federation of IH?tr!"i .Iar5? fiHd of usefulness. ,lH3 1 Pu m 1 olorailo was ehara-'- ilrEan-Jn tl,rnmiuerp a,ul owners ij?iltn,u TllCv 0UBht now lo trv in. 'mWfr,llIl,l.1,,lild "P the mining cCT tn.0fr-lhc .u,u Thfiy can if cirile ni; e1r1,ni,-v, the acquittal of jMcf . f the beat lliiuc that could Ktatii r'P?" 10 a11 clussea in tho JtS i3 , thcHe men had been $amivmi'" !iavo resulted in ureal- maSVJ V "si HnJ '"''icd and ultimate (WpU0 both nhleK." i.K "UW 6115(1 ,,,aL 1,0 uolh-JCoufinucd uolh-JCoufinucd on -'age Three. X If V PETTI BONE JURY SAYS NOT GUILTY Continued from Pago One. ing to do with tho direction of the Pet-tibone Pet-tibone case after he was taken sick. IIo spoke of tho disadvantage under which the defense labored, with both himself and Mr. "Wilson ill. "The action of counsel for the do-fcuso do-fcuso in submitting but a small amount of testimony and ninking no argument whatever to the jury -was a bold and audacious thing. But it was justified in the light of the vordict." he concluded. Mr. Harrow's health is slightly improved, im-proved, although he ib not by any means oat of danger. FEDEBATION OFFICIALS REJOICE AT THE NEWS. DENTER, Jan. 4. Tliero woro but few persons in the office of the Western West-ern Federation of Miners in thiB city today when news of Pettibone's acquit-tal acquit-tal was received and no demonstration, save expressions of satisfaction, v?aB made. Ernest Mills, acting secretary, is the onl- oflicor of tho Federation in tho city. 1 "We have been confident that Pet-tibouo Pet-tibouo would be found not guilty," said Mr. Mills. "There was not a particle par-ticle of ovidencc to connect either with a conspiracy to kill Governor Steunen-bcrg Steunen-bcrg or with a general conspiracy against tho foes of the miners' unions. We fool certain that this will end the conspiracy cases in Idaho and that Charles H. Moyer, president of tho Federation, will never be brought to trial. Now we shall sec what will bo done with Harry Orchard, on whoso unsupported un-supported word' tho cases against Mover, Mov-er, Haywood and Pettibono rested." Views of Haywood. William D. Haywood, sccrctar' of the Western Federation of Miners, who is on a six months' leavo of absence from his official position, arrived in . Denver tonight from the Northwest. When shown tho Associated Pross dispatch dis-patch in reference to the acquittal of Georgo A. Pe.ttiboue at Boise, ho said: "I feel like L had been acquitted again. This is .1 more corapleto vindication vin-dication than tho previous trial. There was no ovidencc introduced or argument argu-ment made by tho defense and tho prosecution was cognizant of everything every-thing wo had and it had months to strengthen its case. "It affirms what has always been contended by the Federation, that there was a conspiracy afoot engage'd in by the Mino Owuers" association to convict con-vict uk and thereby weaken organized fabor in the West. "I am equally jubilant at Petli-bono's Petli-bono's acquittal as my own; and notwithstanding not-withstanding the reiterated statement by Governor Gooding, it is now safe to presumo we'll all leave Tdaho alive." Mr. Haywood said Pettibono would probably go to tho coast for his health. The action of the Stato in dismissing tho case against Moyer, he said, was just what ho had oxp'ected. |