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Show FAREWELL SERVICES If IN THEOLGHURGH ; Elaborate Programme to Be ill! Given at the First Baptist i; ; , Church, 5fp Farewell services will be held Sub- ' WUijl day in tho old building of, the' First HUffl Baptist qhurch. corner of Second South 1 and Second West streets, which has tiNnjfin stood for the last quarter of a century mm as a house of worship. ( miSBjl Tho corncrstono for the old church rmUlM was laid in August, 1883: it was torn jlfiftllH out a few days ago, nnd in tho bos i jnjJM which it contained was found a song inBnil written to tho tuno of " America,' ' and 'i&filln composed by tho Rev. Dwight Spencer, . twiilll which was sung at tho ceremony whon I mill the corncrstono -was laid. It will be ItSmSl givon at tho evening service Sunday. llluini Tho last stanza follows: iiWlllii "Fair Utah, thoe wo prize, ; Iffifflll Thy mountains kiss tho skies; I ttmilfl And dwell In light; ! mill A Foon may thy people be iHtifili From every error free BMBtU. And Haved, O Lord, by thee, TMMwlj In praise, unite." - .mBjjjU In the evening addresses will bsi mHlll' made by J. E. Berkley, who -will epeak 'iffilHi on "Tho Old Church; Its Erection and :iBm Dedication;" C. J. MoNitt, on cTho l&lfl' Old Church; Its Work and workers:" iflH P. L. Evans, on "Tho Old Church; Its 119 If Adequacy and Inadequacy." :lffl if After tho service Sunday tho congre- nufi If gation of the First Baptist church -will M It meet in tho Jewish Temple on Fourth in East until tho completion of their now ytBn H |