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Show ?lun 0. 3" died of hemorrhago of tho lM,3fciSily homo, 110 North First 'trL?Binridfty morning, will bo con-yyritUy con-yyritUy Bftornoou at -1 p. m. !S IS. directors '.l 825 So. W. Tcniplo; 'pUono3. - SloaSFoeleci feom. gKT 522 So. State. y? '' I If AND BOARD FOR MAN AND rfbo comfortablo and good table. 1 OfitddrosB F 17, Tribune. a20D5 BlrJo" BUY TICKET TO DENVER; j ln$ai. Address F 10, Tribune. Xf n2097 'IfS&.ROOMING.HOUSE OF FROM lolw'ooniB; must bo a bargain, Ad-tribune. Ad-tribune. n2100 5tftFOR -1-EOOiu FLAT. 'PHONE !l a2112 rtVulptlENOED RUNNER; GOOD lota itho , Halls. .'eLABGE EOOM" AND ALCOVE, "'miII rooms, modorn, within walk-rlof walk-rlof Konyon hotol; otato prico. , U' a211C NO CHILDREN, FOUR OR " taodorn cottage, unfurnishod. W'iir a2115 .QC MODERN COTTAGE, CLOSE itii'Joar lino; will pay a good price. 3, Trlbuno. a2025 ItfMALL COTTAGE FOR RENT; Iftcta good condition. Address F 14, it rjj; a20-10 "!Vf6 MAKE, AT NO. 4 LAM-VW. LAM-VW. 6tli So, near Main; 20 years' Itijflr al945 SSd ORGANS AT REDMAN JEN-,go., JEN-,go., 110 So. W. Temple. nl751 lt?bED SEAMSTRESS WISHES !! tho day. Address V 40, Tri 0 Ijf? S .iSELIABLE MEN TO REGISTER P'lSoiig Men's Christinn Associntion "QftDenart.; good positions for the OUgft1" 1653 win . CLOTHING; WILL CALL. Armr, Both 'phones- t2101 arll&'TO BUY FURNITURE AND Qtjfones. 3 ell 1900, Ind. 2255. t467 y1PBIOE PAID " FOR IRON, Jrs, bottles, rubbor. copper, etc. "WlCd,, 63 E. 8th South; 'phono Irtafe; z307 SECOND-HAND CLOTHING, Jiilisas; best prices paid. 28 Com-"AReply Com-"AReply by postal card. 'Phones IffiS NEALSON BUY SECOND-stoves, SECOND-stoves, etc. 251 So. State. wiipi Iffe; STOVES, BICYCLES. STAR Store, 315 So. State. Bell .ED SITUATIONS HY FIRST-CLASS SEAMSTRESS 'arilg department, or maker In atfre. Address M. Y. D., Tribune. M0B1 fLteD BY YOUNG MAN: SPEAKS afermaa, Italian, Arabic, English and wmtly; city or country. AddroBS eigne. a2099 jj&WOMAN WOULD LIKE SITU--uouaekeoper; reforonces given and V postals. 1706 South Ninth East. : v- a2033 ?iEgAGENTS jS TOR OITY OR COUNTRY; -jja'jflors do well; experienced work-jjettar: work-jjettar: honost effort well roward.-a roward.-a Manufacturers' Agents, Box cWca, Utah, a2034 Hi.. tePANTES INCORPORATED. IF !,3 stocks or bonds for salo, let mc mhom for you. George M. Kellogg, j,fBUicott Square, Buffalo. a2047 H. 'fEY WHILE THE SUN SHINES, th the ground floor in tho new Vflog company just organized, called Ute Steam Washing Machine and , to manufacture golvanlzod iron, Aan& iron, and the Haves steam 'lehinn. in Salt Lake City, Utah. fsteam washing machine beats any-wtnvented any-wtnvented to wash clothes. It can pk!U nay power and heated with any (lld 10 years old can operate it. .jjheet metal and iron, it lasts a '5i Soils itself to farmors and city ty lady or gentleman can invost fb'.in stock in the company at fixed icfcents per share, for 20.000 shares s'!s; Stock will then bo sold at par, jijhare, and tho company will guar-r.r. guar-r.r. back tbo money invested in six j5equ4sted, with 10 per cent inter-Midmost inter-Midmost certain this stock vrill sell I, 'flJpar In one year. The company i'id'for 550.000, 50,000 shares, par :& each, fully paid up and uon-.rFor uon-.rFor all Information roparding tho prospective buyers, address John liecretary, at ofljee of companv, (IfcAtlas building. Salt Lake City, j'ljrats wanted throughout United fjlll washing machines. Exclusive jffom al510 l&RD AND ROOMS JiEOMpwmTBOASDTurr quarried couple. 223 South Sec-jPhone Sec-jPhone 2S12-Y. a2093 &BS BOARD AND IHCE, LARGE, ,,aIb, shade and lawn, easy walking '$2 3o' Main. al948 JjglY FURNISHED ROOM AND two, moderni 225 East Brigham. ittjj "182,1 APPOINTED ROOMS, WITH V; modern home; beautiful lawn, L'porchesi easy ralking distance. ;jP;E&Bt. Ind. -phono 1817. al-lOl fVlRABLE LOCALITY; REASON-jt; REASON-jt; one block from Main, 119 Jgft' a266 JgTD ROOM. IN PRIVATE FAM-l2iTn- 'Ind. 'phone 1904. 225 W. xf)67 BOARD AT THE RAN IE R, 2B8 tpOM AND BOARD IN SMALL ffijbmlly.' Ind. 'phono 2619. y!570 ATFAOTORY ifFCTOR?rRlbFDo" uyjjclc annex. Bell phono 135-Y. DIONPLEATING 'W, SUNBURST, sSePLEAT- j flunking. Mrs Jennens, 253 South .tKiBe!. 'phone 3047-IC. t: $A HATS BLE AOHED ISjxTEESl'YrL jllred Taylor, 24 E. let South. ygts. ti7n i ifA-TTORNEYS .jRTAWYBRT'F Commercial blk. 'Phonoa 949-Z TREATMENT fpfoTBIFOOJNa, HARPER itjjflafl Tho Templeton. Fono "ff? ' 0690 Scavengers IK7ENGER CO.; OFFICE 8U0 SO. 'P 3018 : 261'K" 1283 SALT LAKE FIRM WANTS KEEN BUSI-nons BUSI-nons woman; yearly contract with right party. F 10, Trlbuuo. a2081 FOR CENTURY MINE, ONE BLACK-smith, BLACK-smith, 1 mlllinan, 1 engineer, 0 minors. Apply at onco at P. W. Madson's Furntturo otorc, 51 East 1st So. a2000 TWO GIRLS FOR GEN'L HOUSEVORK aud holp in kitchen. 223 So. 2nd East. a2094 WANTED GOOD RELIABLE MARRIED man, who han ozporlonco with horsos and cattle, for ranch work in California. Apply R. D. Charles, No. 173 Keith Bldg.- a2103 STRONG BOY, ABOUT 17 OR 18, AT THE Modol Laundry. .2104 WANTED FIRST-CLASS BAKER AT onco; otato wagos. Address Cream Bakery, Mountain Homo, Ida a2101 WOMAN TO HELP WITH HOUSEWORK; no washins- 259 W. fith South. a209B WANTED EXPERIENCED KAND-IRON-ors. Fronch Hand Laundry, 150 East 3rd So. a2113 YOUNG MAN WISHING TO LEARN THE undertaking biiHinoss. Call mornings, 225 So. West Temple, roferoncos. h!819 DRESSMAKING BY THE DAY OR AT homo. 'Phono 1256-Y, a2039 TWO MACHINISTS. AT $4.00; ONE LINE-man, LINE-man, $3.50. Plumhof Einp. Agency, COVa East Socond South. 20l0 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; must he good cook. Inquire 341 South 4th West. a2028 GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. 404 East Sixth South. a2026 FIRST-CLASS SAUSAGE MAKER, GOOD wages. Apply E. D. Sutton it Co., Park City. n2050 GOOD COOK,1 GOOD WAGES, NO WASH-ing. WASH-ing. Apply S. K. Hoopor, 13 South 9th East. Ind. 'phone 2730. a2051 FOUR PIN SETTERS FOR BOWLING AL-ley AL-ley at Saltair. Bo at the 10:30 Saltalr train this morning. RESPECTABLE YOUNG LADY TO ACT AS cashior, Ponny Arcade, 75 East Second South. Call boforo J2 o'clock. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work; HOUSE-work; small, family. Call 72 West Sixth South. a20C2 WANTED, BODY-IRONER, SHIRT -FINISH-er and mangle girls. Empivo Utah Lauu-dry Lauu-dry Co. a205S WANTED, GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. IN-quiro IN-quiro 744 South First Wost. a20G0 A GOOD, RELIABLE DRUG CLERK AT Hoover Drug Co. 201 Ws 2nd So. al990 WAITRE S S AT THE PALACE CAFE, 366 West 8outh Tcmplo, near 0. S. L. depot. RELLA.BLE HOUSE-MAN AND NIGHT POE-tor. POE-tor. Konyon hotel. al982 TOBACCO STRIPPER, AT 37 WEST FIRST North. al984 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, small family. 230 Sixth East. A BLACKSMITH WANTED AT 129 E. 6TH So. &1034 PRESCRIPTION CLERK. A. 0. SMITH, . 142 South Main. A GOOD DELIVERY MAN, MONDAY. 300 South West Temple. al905 GIRL FOR GEN'L HOUSEWORK, SMALL family; 664 So. West Temple. al729 GIRL FOR COOKING AND GEN'L HOUSE-wovk; HOUSE-wovk; no washing. Apply 305 First st. al735 A GOOD GIRL FOR GENL. HOUSEWORK. 824 E. Brigham. a!746 YOUNG MAN, WINDOW TRIMMER AND card writer, general store, salary $30; state cxporlenco and addres6 Thompson, Beard & Sous, Napa, Cal. . , al76B WANTED A FIEST.OLASS HARNESS-maker; HARNESS-maker; steady work for a good man. Address Ad-dress Hoeman Sr Oashin Mer. Co., Evans-Ion, Evans-Ion, Wyo. ' a596 MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE IN eitibt -weeks; wages paid every nijrht; positions guaranteed: cat. free. Molcr bys-tern bys-tern of Colleges, G2 E. 1st So. st. al692 PLUMHOF'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, headquarters for mine, mill, smelter and R. R. laborers, hotel holp, etc. 60 East 2nd So. Boll tel. 3584. w503 HOTEL COOK WANTED TO COMMENOB work Aug. 1: wages $50, board and room. Address Idaho hotel, Rexburg, Idaho. al632 WANTED RELIABLE GIRL, GENERAL housework, small family. 32 7th East. al559 BOY WITH WHEEL, ABOUT 16 YEARS" steady position. Mehesy, the Furrier, Knatsford hotel. al456 GIRLS FOR PRESSING OR IRONING, Experienced Ex-perienced preferred. Apply Parisian Dye Works, 9th So and 3rd E. al391 LADIES' CLOTHES IRONERS AND GIRLS for general laundry work. Apply Troy Laundry, 431 So. 6th East. al084 WANTED- TWO GOOD CIGARMAKERS. Union wages. Beforo coming wrlto Industrial In-dustrial Cigor company, Butte, Mont. al06fl WANTED AT ONCE, GOOD PLAIN OOOK. 06 I st., Ind. phone 2447; Boll 2409-K. &1032 COOK AT 30 EAST SEVENTH SOUTIL alOB STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY IIolol, restaurant and household help. Headquarters for laborers. 69 E. 2nd South. Phones 464. e742 GIRLS TO SEW TENTS AND AWNINGS. Smith & Adams, 55 Commercial st. a725 LADY CLOTHES IRONERS AND MANGLE girls at Model Steam Laundry. yl504 GOOD GIRL, LIGHT HOUSEWORK, NO washing, good wages. 86 K. Telephone 3843-Y Uell. l798 GIRL OR WOMAN TO DO GENERAL housework and cooking for family of three; moderu house; must bo first-class; wages, $30 per mo. to right party. Apply 226 N 2nd West. &1617 LADIES' APPAREL FROM THE EAST; ALMOST NEW Bkirts. waists, jackots, dress and evening even-ing gowns at your own prion. Ill E. 2nd South. 3373 ICE CREAM MANUFACTURER t3ie'eeeley"'7j and shorbots; prompt delivery. 26 Rich-ards Rich-ards street; both 'phones 322S. vr557 TO TRADE A CHOICE 4X10, NEAR EIGHTH EAST aud South Temple. Good old house and barn. Fino shade and fruit. For modern property in good location. Will pay difference. differ-ence. No agents. Address F 9, Trlbuno. a2102 HOUSE MOVING " wlntFHoulsirM . kinds of house-moving. 1356 Glenn st. 3oth phones. P. J. Wolf, Manager. a202 AITECTS ERSKTNE & LILJeIjBRTOLy' building. Ind. 'phono 843; Boll 84B-K. Artistic homos, y(j LINCOLN HOUSE; PAUL HEIN, PROP,; 08 "E. 1st So.; 200 rooms; rales, 25o, 35o and COo. 1961 SAFES nwaSeoi9ld7ahTea or time. Soreneon-Stoutt Co., solo agents for the "old reliable Hall's safes." Beware of imitations. Office, I. X, L, Furnlturo T.8torc, 48 E, 2nd South. a.m jmENT THE BEAUTIFUL MODERN LOUISE flats, 7 rooms; elegant Moquotto carpets flttod to all rooms, for sale, a2110 SIX-EOOM MODERN BRICK COTTAGE, partly furnlnhod. 168 Woot Third South. Ind. phono 2368. a2108 THREE ROOMS, BATH, E. L.L GAS, $18. 445 South Main. 'Phono 763-Y. a2035 SEVEN-ROOM MODERN BRICK. INQUIRE 770 East Fourth South. Boll 'phono 2530-Y. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE AT 261 E. 1ST SO., sowor connections, wator in house, $16.00. Inquire at Goo. H. Snclgrovc, 12 Hooper bldg. a!77P THE CAPITAL R. E. I. CO. HAS OFFICES and desk room for rout in tholr commodious commod-ious quartors, ground-floor, 17 Wost 2d 3a. Low rates to permanent tenants. alii" 4-RM. HOUSE, 3RD EAST AND BRIG-ham; BRIG-ham; 919.00. Apply 30d So. Stute. ' al707 STRICTLY MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSE, close in. Phonp 2467-Z Boll. al028 NEW BRICK, -1 ROOMS, MODERN. 332 W. 5lh No. Inquire ,555 W. 1st North. a!5('l MODERN 6-ROOM, 2-STORY HOUSE. 38 So. 7th Eust. Inquire first house in rear. $40.00 7-RM. MOD., 202 "G" ST. $10.00 Ono mod. rm., Nowoll Blk. Storo room, 128 East Socond So. W. .7. HALLORAN, Phonos 823. MEMBERS S. L. R. E a!182 SEVEN ROOMS, MODERN, $30.00. 151 SO. 6th East. Mnrnana Ss Co., 62 Com'l blk. Phono 1412-K. , all09 CLOSE IN. 2 OR 3 STALLS WITH LOT attached. Apply 23 Wulker Bank bldg, 1 al279 ELEGANT 8-ROOM HOUSE, THOROUGH-ly THOROUGH-ly modern, up-to-dato; cor. 2nd 8. and 4th E, Ref. required. Call Anderson Real Est. Inv. Co,, 300 Horald blk. Tel. 474. 01070 OFFICES AND DESK ROOM, GROUND floor. 17 Wost 2nd So. 'st. Capital R. B. 1. Co, . R1023 NEW MODERN SEVEN-ROOM. 1080 1ST st. W. E. Ware, 62 Hooper bldg. a03 SEVEN ACRES OF LUCERNE. APPLY to 352 East First South. STOREROOMS, 213 STATE aTREET, near Socond South; 3 storerooms, corner' Second South and Second East. New, good location. Apply G. S. Holmes, Knutsford hotel. y31 SEVEN-EM. BRICK; BATH, ELECTRIC lights; close in; easy walking dlstonco; rent $25. Brice, nhono 457, or 1414,-X, x2026 UPRIGHT PIANOS FOR RENT, RIVERS Bros., 140 Main st. rl604 DESK ROOM, REAL ESTATE ASSN., 15 W. 2nd South. xl311 CLOSE IN, TWO OR THREE STALLS, with separate feed room. Apply 23 Walkor Bank bldg. x2237 SUITE OF 3 OR 4 LARGE. WELL-LIGHT-od office rooms, with fireproof vault, suit-ablo suit-ablo for law firm or mining company. Apply Ap-ply at room No, 1 Mackintosh building, corner Wost Temple and 2nd South sts. y2C0 ASSAYERS ORISMON & NICHOlXASSAYErTA2?D chemists, removed to 329 So. Wost Temple. W1792 UNION ASSAY OFFICE. M, S. Hanauer. J. V. Sadler 152 So. West Temple. P. 0. box 1446. Analytical work a specialty. Prloo list mailed. t2194 JOHN STEWART, ASBAYER AND OHEM-ist, OHEM-ist, 2i E, So. Temple St., Salt Lako City, Utah. a610 A. COLLIS, PAINTER, PAPERHANGER and kalsomtner. .264 Baltimore avc. Boll phono 2039.K. w447 PLANS FURNISHED AND HOUSES BUILT for little monoy. Wm. Pack, 13 Welling-ton Welling-ton court. Ind. 3S10. a!028 TUESDAY NIGHT, SALT PALACE grounds, pendant of charm, with monogram mono-gram F. E. T. Return to Tribune. a2083 BLACK SILK UMBRELLA, WITH SIL-ver SIL-ver htndle, with two garnets sot iu. Flndor pleaBo return to 304 Dooly Blk. and receive reward. a2114 A GOLD BEOOCH WITH SMALL BLUE enameled flowers, Thursday morning, on First ,WeBt. Socond South, or Ma-ia street, botweon First South and tbo postofllce. Suitable reward to any ono returning same to 121 So. First West. LOST, ON SALT PALACE GEOUNDS OR between there and Bevonth South on Main street, an open-faco oxidized watch, with gold pin. Return to 257 Wost North Temple. Tem-ple. Reward. LADY'S GOLD WATOH AT SALT PALACE" July 24. Return to Trlbuno Job printing offlco. Reward. a2021 ROUND PEARL BROOCH, WITH A DIA-lnond DIA-lnond In center, at Casino Park, Wodnea-.day Wodnea-.day night. Return 44.1 S. Main. Liberal ro-ward. ro-ward. a!580 CLAIRVOYANT3 " WE TELL EVERYTHING, NAME 1NCLUD-ed. 1NCLUD-ed. Arnold Dickson Bros. Entrance to Dew office 267 E. 3rd South st. 10 to 7:30 daily. (No signs.) 549 MADAME ALIESE PINK. CLAIRVOYANT, medium and card reading. 118 South First West, now at my now location. Tele-phono Tele-phono 3844-K. nl558 IF IN DOUBT, CALL FIRST ON MADAM Schnoidor, noted palmist, card reader and psychic, for correct and valuable odvico. Has helped thousands, will holp you. 48 W 3rd Bo. ; wP24 MIDWIFE PEIVATE HOME FOR CONFhJemENT cases. Mrs. A. M. Olson, 525 East 8th South. 'Phono Boll 2691-Y. al9S9 PRIVATE HOME FOE CONFINEMENT cases. Mrs. Llrzie Goisler, 330 Wost 3rd North. Bell phonS oSl-K n!033 HEALTH AND SELF-EXPHESSION. NERVOUSNESS, SELF.C0NS0I0USNE8S, insomnia, corpuloncy and throaty and nasal voices overcome. Miss Baldwin, 417 Tom-plcton Tom-plcton bldg. LOST OR STOLEN ONE BAY MARE, BRANDED W. T. ON loft hip and heart-shape on left shoulder... Return to R. Bite Candy company and ro-colvo ro-colvo reward. BATH AND MASSAGE 6HJK'Voir'wBLL" German mastour, tonsorial art, conducted by ladies. Elite parlors, Constitution bldg., 207-210. for ladies and gentlemen. Boll 'phone 3930. 552 ALL MAKES RENTEDEPArREDi E3 changed, sold. Utah Typewriter Exchango Co.. 62 West 2nd Go, al5ti5 CASHJGIST NATIONAL CASH REGISTEE. OSOAE Groshell, sales agent, No. 221 Alain at. Espert cash register repairing. Second-hand Second-hand registers always in stock. nl580 UPHOLSTERING & REPAIRING PAELOE FUENITURE UPHOLSTERED and repaired. Estimates submitted on request. Phones 3290. S. L. Matt. & Mfc. Co., 158 W. 1st Bf 224 SIX-ROOM MODERN BRICK COTTAGE, 168 Wost Third South. Ind. 'phono 2308. n2107 TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOE rent at 27fl Wost 3rd So. a2111 FOUE HOUSEKEEPING EOOMS. ELEO-trlc ELEO-trlc light, water. Apply 027 S. W. Tcmplo. Tcm-plo. COOL FEONT ROOMS, GENTLEMEN PEE-ferred. PEE-ferred. 353 East Third South. a2046 THREE NICELY FURNISHED, CLEAN rooms; modern house. 1109 First street. a2029 MODERN FLAT, NEAR O. S. L. CALL 270 Wost South Tomplo. 'Phone 3378-Y. (2032 THE PLEAS ANTON, HANDSOMELY FUR-nishod FUR-nishod rooms; modem; clone in No. 0 Kendall square Inrt. 'phono 1039. a2037 A NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM. CLOSE IN; reforencos exchanged. 64V-'- Socond at. a2059 ONE OR TWO LARGE FRONT ROOMS for housekeeping. 576 South Main. HALF OR ALL OF A NEATLY FURNISHED 8-room modorn house; shady back and front. Call at 740 E. FlrBt So. al991 FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE, STRICTLY MOD-orn. MOD-orn. Boil 'phono 1113-K. 329 Fourth st. al033 TWO NICE, COOL, CONVENIENT FRONT roomB, ground floor, Tor housokeoplug, reasonable rea-sonable Manhattan, 237 W. 1st So. al950 NEWLY FURNISHED EOOMS, MODEEN. 239 E. 3rd So. a!935 TWO-E. MOD. FLAT, NEAE O. S. L. IN-quiro IN-quiro 270 W. S. Tomplo.. 'Phono 3378-Y. al922 THEEE MODEEN EOOMS FOE LIGHT housekeeping; ground floor. 47 South 1st West. al903 NICELY FUEN. EOOMS FOE LIGHT housekeeping at No. 6 Kondall square. al891 TWO NICE, LAEGE HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 105 E. 2nd So. MOD. FUEN. FEONT ROOM FOR GEN-tloman; GEN-tloman; private family. 570 So. State st al721 THE CAPITAL R. E.T. CO. HAS OFFICES nd desk room for rout in their commodious commod-ious quarters, ground-floor, 17 Wost 2d So. Low rates to pormanont tonants. al716 3 OR 4-EOOM COTTAGE OE FLAT, MOD-crn, MOD-crn, good location. V -IS, Tribuno. a 1624 FIVE.EOOM MOD. OOTTAOE. NO. 3 OLIFT place. al767 TWO FUENISHED EOOMS TOR LIGHT housekeeping; modern. 70 E. N. Templo at. al573 . THEEE EOOMS FUENISHED FOE LIGHT housekeeping. Call at 150 No. Main st. al438 TWO EOOMS FOE HOUSEKEEPING ; WA-tor. WA-tor. 875 So. 1st West. al'J72 TWO SUITx.0 OF FEONT EOOMS FOR housekeeping; gas and bath. 62 Richards Rich-ards st. a!23S SEVEN-ROOM, TWO-STORY MODERN, furnished, mostly now furniture, on First stroet. Roasonablo to right party. Apply Wilson-Sherman Co.. 52 W. 2nd South. Telephone Tele-phone 492. a2D3 THEEE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping; closo in. Phono 2894-K. ONE NICELY FURNISHED EOOM, OOOL and quiet. Inquiro reni 123 E, 8th South. y2140 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH both 411 S. oflt Tcmplo. s263 TWO NEWLY FUEN. FEONT EOOMS AT 273 West 3rd So. a286 SLEEPING EOOMS AND FUEN. EOOMS for light housekeeping 129 East 4th 80. y 11-19 NEATLY FUENISHED EOOMS FOE RENT Pt 630 S. St&to. TWO NICELY FUENISHED ROOMS. 160 North Main st. al38 A NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH USE of piano, $10; modern. 33 Grape st. yl053 ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. 219 W. 3rd So. LARGE, CLEAN ROOMS FOIi HOUSE-kceping, HOUSE-kceping, at 227 "West 1st So. 7IOI8 LAEGE FEONT EOOM, GEOUND FLOOE, outsido entrance. 4.26 So. 6th East st. y656 , JMlOj $20 TO 310,000. On any good socunty; best terms and rates in the city; strictly private; for money see Equitable Loon Ss Inv, Co., 63 V4 W. 2nd So A. McKollar, president. al034 QUICK LOANS ARE AS IMPORTANT AS cheap iffbney; we furnish both. Tho Home Xnm &' Savings Co., 6-10 West 1st South. a665 DON'T BORROW TROUBLE; BOEEOW money; salaried men or women occom-modatcd occom-modatcd on their nolo without mortgage or indornor; easy payments; confidential. Cherry, 407 D. F. Walker bldg. o517 PEIVATE LOANS; NO EEMOVAL; iOW rate; easy payment. 210 Atlas blk. e306 ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS. MILLER is Viele, 303 McCornlck bldg. EASY MONEY, EASY TERMS, EASY rates; very private; chattols and other securities. See us, Room 209, Atlas blook. 1919 ON ANY PROPERTY; YOU RETAIN POS-session POS-session The Stringer Co., 70 W. 2nd South. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their- own names without security; cheapost rates, cuslest payments; offices in 59 principal cities; Bavo yourself monoy by getting our terms first. Tolman, 338 Atlas bldg. v876 ON REAL ESTATE SEOUEITY. THOMAS W. PARTRIDGE, Roal Estate and Mortgages. 55 Commercial Block. yl571 ON MOETGAGE. NO COMMISSION. LOW- est ratos. Pomcroy, 36 W. 1st North. , uS8l AT LOWEST EATE OF INTEEEBT ON furniture, pianos, horses, etc ; confidential: terms to suit. 140 Main St., r. 310. eSSl FOLLOW THE CROWD. THE EQUITABLE Loan & Inv, Co., 68' W. 2nd So., loans monoy on real estate, fumituro, piano6 or any good soeurity at lowest rates, 6trictly private; ary amount. xl015 OHEAPES C PRIVATE MONEY IN OITY. Cheapost private money on furniture, pf-anos, pf-anos, vehiclos, horses or any chattol security: lowest rates, easiest terms, long or short time; very private. See us before borrowing. Room 112, over Keith-O'Brien storo. x5 WE LOAN MONEY TO BUILD HOMES. We will loan you the money ot roasonablo rate; one can build cheapor now than later on. Salt Lako Security & Trust Co., 32-34 Main st. In our own building. ASK YOUR FRIENDS WHERE TO BOR-row BOR-row money on roal estate, . We will treat you as wo havo treated them. Fourteen years experience with only ono foreclosure is our record. Russcl L. Tracv, 11 E. 1st South. wl313 CHEAPEST RATES ON FURNITURE, PI-anos. PI-anos. etc., without removal. Room 3. over Utah National bunk. h2181 $1000 AT 0 PEE CENT; $2000 AT 0 PEE cent. Homer & Robertson, Main and 1st So. (Dosorot Bunk bldg.) 11496 $1000 TO 8C000. ONE TO FIVE YEAES, farm or city property. Jamos K. Shaw lb Co,, ovor 153 So. Main st. rl065 MONEY TO LOAN ON PIANOS, FUENI-ture, FUENI-ture, any good seourity, or to salariod people; peo-ple; easy paymonts; pnvnto. Mutual Loan Co., 10 West 2nd South st. alolO I SECOND-HAND NATIONAL CASH EEGIS-tors, EEGIS-tors, fully guaranteed Othov makes at half prlco. Oscar Gronholl, 221 Main at. a2087 FURNITURE OF THREE ROOMS, NEW. Addross F 18, Tribune. n'J002 UPRIGHT PIANO, ELEGANT AUTOMO-bilc AUTOMO-bilc baby carriage, cheap. No. 1 LouIbo fltvts, a2100 BARN 8X14 FT.; GOOD CONDITION, $15. Roar 271 E. 3rd So. a2057 PIANOS. STEINWAY, KIMBALL, EVEEETT and Wobor, good ns now. Box 483. a2030 TWO LIGHT WOEK TEAMS AND A FEW unbroko horses at Star barn, IBB E. 4th So. nl998 SEVEN AOEES, ONE BLOOK FEOM CAN-yon CAN-yon car lino; four acres in peaches, four years old; good crop on troos. Prico, $2000. W II. Rogers, gonoral delivery, Ogdon, Utah. al809 FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM MODERN FLAT, at a great barguln; nil flrst-class and practically prac-tically new furniture; must be sold srion. Hubbard Tnv Co., 73 W. 2nd So. a!753 GOOD MILCn COW, HORSES AND BUG-gien. BUG-gien. Dr. Bruce, renr 141 W. 1st So. st. ulOM TWO UPEIGHT PIANOS. FIEST-OLASS condition. Tho Stringur Co., 70 West 2nd South a!570 AUTOMOBILES NEW AND SLIGHTLY used, of all inakos; mnny foolish sacrifices sacri-fices by rich owners. Tho Auto Exchango. rear 258 Muiu. a83 FIEST-OLASS POOL TABLE. INQUIEE 272 South Main. THE FAMOUS MAEE ALTA, 2:17; BIKE buggy and hand-raado harness. Very choup. Phono 1787-F. al-M2 BUY OE SELL BOOMING HOUSES, GEO. eery stores, rostaurants, cigar storos, or nnv business opportunity through me. A Richtnr, Real EBtotc, Business Opportunity Dept., A. L. Brottain, Mgr 19 W. 1st So. a949 FOR SALE 15 DRIVING OR WORK teams, horses woigh from 1000 to 1400 pouuda oacli. Writo or call on S. J. Taylor, manager Lehl Horso Co., Lohi, Utah. aOOl GOOD SET BLACKSMITH TOOLS, NEAR-ly NEAR-ly now, at 707 S, Wost Tomplo. 1256 NO. ONE WORK TEAM: 2500 LBS.; WAG-on WAG-on and harness. 123 E. 4th So. yll64 SODA FOUNTAIN, A BARGAIN. WHITTE-moro, WHITTE-moro, 66 W. 2nd So. xl033 TWO 2ND HAND A NO. 1 BLAKE HY-droulic HY-droulic 12x7x12x6 pumps for sale. Call and aoo them. Warm Springs Foundry Co. nll54 HORSE, HARNESS AND PHAETON. IN quiro McCoy's' stable. a461 HORSE, HARNESS AND WAGON. Il quiro 130 So. 7th East. yl778 110 TONS NATURAL SPRING WATER ICE for salo cheap. Apply 217 Commercial club building. a346 FOR ALL KINDS OF BUSINESS OPPOR-tunities, OPPOR-tunities, writo, phono or seo, Nowcomb. 63 i W. 2nd So.; both phonos. yl350 A FIEST-OLASS MERCANTILE BUSINESS on tho bu3t corner in a thriving and growing town of about 600 Inhabitants. For particulars address R., P. O. box 47, Garland, Gar-land, Box Elder county, Utah x3546 A FEW A NO. 1 FEESH MULCH COWS for salo. Call Ind. phone 10,161. xl245 FOUETEEN EOOMS FUENISHED FOR light' housekeeping; snap, $650. 230 S. 2nd West. x!121 MRsTsToBEEg! SWEDISH MASSAGE, 424 Poarl avo. Bell 'phone 2944-K. Take Wuterloo car. t!656 SPIRITUALISTS r!sva!3ora'1i day; developing class Monday; circle Wcd-nouday, Wcd-nouday, 8 p. in. Board of Trade building. al997 FOR BIG SPIRITUALIST TEST MEET-ings MEET-ings and lecture, look under clairvoyants, this paper. al078 MRS. HARRIET FONTYN, TRANCE ME-dium; ME-dium; meotings Sunday and Thursday, 3 p. m. 267 S. W. Temple. w490 AUCTION SALES ' AUOTlfOrSAllEFrLTr On 9th East and 10th South sts., Aug. 1, commencing at 2 o'clock p. m. Lots sold on installments or 8 per cent discount for cash; shodo trees, stroet cars, city wator, olty light, city school; everything modern. They are sold to close an estate. al693 JjIOGI EISNPHONOGRAPH PARLORS. 325 S. WTemplo.Fono 1146-X. ol007 HARVEY & CO., 110 W. S. TEMPLE. BELL phono 1632-Z: Ind. 1214. BABYBUgJC puToifrA7mpTi Osborne's, 69 E. 4th So. Ind. 'phono 1-176. x720 PIPE 60,000 FEET ASTIiTEAM'Hols chlnerv, steam and electricity. J. Si. Swcm. 336 So. 3rd West n015 WALL PAPER CLEANED U?E""pAPErOLBA3 ordors at Smith Drug Co.; both 'phones 258. y33 KAPLAN HOUSE CLEANING CO.; SATIS-faction SATIS-faction guaranteed 631 Main; both 'phones 1866-Y. x2494 AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance creating raving District No. 31- Bo It ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the following Paving District Is hereby croatod and established estab-lished In Salt Lake City, to-wlt: Paving Pav-ing District No. 31 Bhall be and consist of all public streets and alleys Included In tho following described tract, to-wlt: Commencing at the southwest corner of Third East and Ninth South streets, and running south to the south side of Eleventh South street, thence east to tho west side of Ninth Enst street, thence south to the city limits, thence east to the east side of Thirteenth East street, thence north to the south side of Ninth South street, and Mienco west to the point ot beginning. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Passed by the City Council of Salt. Lnke City, Utah, July 23, 1906, and referred re-ferred to the Mayor for his approval. J. B. MORETON, City Recorder. Approved this 26th day of July, 1006. EZRA THOMPSON. Mayor. State of Utah, City and County of Salt Lakess. I, J. B. Moreton. City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled, en-titled, "An ordinance creating Paving District No. 31," paseed by tho City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, July 23, J&06, and approved by the Mayor July 2il, 190G. as npponrH of record In my office. IN WITNESS "WHEREOF. I havo here-" unto sot my hand and nfllxuil tho corporate cor-porate seal of Bald city, this 2Gth day of July. 1D0C. (Seal.) J. B. MORETON. City Recorder. -Bill No. 113... B20S0 - JE RALJSTATE 2100. Buys the best 4-room modern cottage, No. 838 Wost Srd South; tho lot 35x140 feet to alley; the house newly painted and papered and is flrst-oIasB In every respect; go and look at It. 92100, A 4-room brick cotUgo, electric lighte and wator in house, room for two rooms upstairs, lot 50x167 to alloy "and located No. 1057 Windsor avc, bet. 8th and 9th 'East and 9th and 10th South. 81500. A 6-room cottage, olectric lights and water in houso, large barn, lcc&tod near 1st North and 6th West; a neat home for somo one. No. 023 Third St. It is & 7-room modorn and upto.dato resl. dence; It is brand-new and must be seen to bo appreciated; I can mako reasonable torms to tho right party; for further information and price call. A. Eichtor, 10 West 1st South at., 'phones 641. a!762 WHY EENT WHEN YOU CAN BUY, ON OBBy terms, a 7-room, two-story modern houso on ono of tho best ntrocts in tho city 7 It has a largo reception hall, parlor, dining-room, dining-room, kltchon. pantry and cellar; four bedrooms, bed-rooms, with clonots to each; bath and all other modorn convonioncen. The architecture could not bo improvod upon. The lot a 2x0, with right of way, la worth half what wa are asking, Not one twig or spoor of grass could bo planted that would add to it's beauty. Owner leaving city ana will sell at a sacrifice sacri-fice "rather than ront. $3160. BUCKWALTEE & SEEMON, 327-328 Atlao Block, Bell 'phono 3565-S. a2024 COUNTRY HOMES; MOUNT AIR CANYON. Old Armchair Borsback & Sorenson Subdivision. Located in a private and exclusive wild-wood wild-wood park of 2000 acres, 8 miles from city limits, 1 mile from county road and railway station, 2 trains dally, fare 80c round trip. Al Pratt, agcut, 48 East 2nd Ho. st. N. B. Have for ront, completely furnished, 7-room country home and grounds, "Hazel Dell." A FEW MID-SUM E BAEGAINB LEFT. S34O0. A FEW MID-SUMMER BARGAINS LEFT. . .A woll-bullt 5-roora "modorn brick cottage, built 3 years ago for a home, extra Urge rooms, 2 pantries, pore, bath, nice mantel; back porch Bcreonod; stairway In, and floors; 2 rooms can be finished upstairs. Lot 2Vix8 rods; 3'3 blocks from tho postofllce. $2600 Buys a good 4-room brick house, with nice lawn anii shade; all fenced; all kinds of fruit; nu ideal homo for somebody; 1V acreB of laud southeast 2 blocks from the car lino. It will pay you to investigate our summer sum-mer bargains. You won't mind the heat when you see you are saving money. BANCK EEAL .ESTATE & INVESTMENT INVEST-MENT CO., Suite 202 D. F. Walkor Blk. a2088 FOE MID-SUMMEE BAEGAIN8 SEE EANOK Bool Estato & Investment Co., suite 232 D. F. Walker Blk. a2086 A 4-EOOMED, MODEEN PBESSED BEIOK; Sxll rods; close in; cheap. Inquire 20 Apricot Bt. yl077 EEAL ESTATE BARGAINS, U. P. R. E. lands. E. J. Wills, 16 W. 2nd So. ml837 THE BEST 40-AOEE FAEM IN UTAH, mod. improvements; will exchango for S. L. 0. property. Headquarters for rentals. Man an Inv. Oo 27 Eagle blk. al992 THE CAPITAL E. E. I. 00. HAS OFFICES and desk room for ront in their commodious commod-ious quartors, ground-floor, 17 Wost 2d So. Low rates to permanent tenants. al717 SIS-EOOM HOUSE, 637 E. 7TH BOUTH, S1S50; torms to suit purchaser. 7-room brick, modorn, 151 So. 6th East; $4600, If token at onco. Two 4-room modern brick houses, rent for 538.00 por month; $4600; torms. Marnane & Co., 52 Com'l block. 'Phone 1412-K. all70 HOMES ON EASY TEEMS, BUSINESS chancos. Utah Investment Co., 326 Atlas block. 41741 OWNEE WILL SELL OHBAP ON EASY terras a 7-room modern cottage; nice yard; cornor lot. 774 E. 7th So. al414 BUILDING LOT. 40x150 TO ALLEY, FAC-ing FAC-ing park on 7th East; 8700, from owner. Address V 33, Tri?june, j-rrT? MAIN ST. FRONTAGE. S20 to 5100 por ft. that will doable coon: easy torms. Hubbard Inv. Co., 78 W. 2nd South. al273 MODERN DOUBLE HOUSE, FURNISHED lBt-class, Oslo rods; must soli. 223 W. 6th So. &1703 WHEN YOU BUY OE SELL, Keep in mind the fact that We ronko corroot abstracts, Guarantee against all errors In title. Examlno titles, Attond all details of purchase or sale. Tho Horuor Abstract Co., Inc., Main and 1st 80. , under Deseret bosk. &1242 SPECIAL. S2960. '4 acros on 3rd East, houso a 9-room brick and adobo; barn; flowing woll, water right, 5 shares; sheds and chicken coops; terms half cash. A. Eichter, 19 West 1st South st. 'Phonos 641. al212 WE SELL EEAL ESTATE. THAT'S ALL. Tuttle Bros., 163 Main. Red ball signs. 01397 IF YOU WANT To SELL -Soo 0. W. Mtllor, 112 W. 2nd South. m2265 CEMENT BLOCK PLANT, THOROUGHLY equippod and roady for operation. Addross box 1419, city. w2209 NEW 6-EOOM BRICK COTTAGE, AT A bargain. 1651 South West Temple, 1020 SEE US FOR REAL ESTATE AND LOANS. Buckwalter 61 Sormon, 327 Atlas block', x373 BARGAINS IN NATIONAL CASH EEGI8-tors. EEGI8-tors. See Tho Hallwood, W. V, Hanks, agent, -10 Main st. y2135 LIGHT SPRING WAOON AND HARNESS, cheap. 218 S- Oth East. INVESTORS' REAL ESTATE SNAPS, KBL-soy KBL-soy & Gillespie, 22 E, 1st So. pi 260 BURE SALES THRU Aohton & Jonklns, 73 So, Main st. n655 IJSxSSS. 0. J. BOWMAN CO., HOSlpEASY liifl naymona. Rooms 11 and 12, Eagle blk., "H both 'phones. niuo H LIST YOUE PEOPEETY FOE SALE WITH H Salt Lake Abstract, Loan fc Investment Co, H 60 Main st. 'Phones 704. al20 HOUSTON EEAL ESTATE INV. CO., EEAL H estato and loan brokoro. 261 Main, al400 LIST YOUR PEOPEETY WITH US FOE H quick salea; wo havo tho buyers. Andor- H son Eoal Estato Investment Co., Bell 'phone H 474. Booms 300-301 New Herald bldg, U38Q LIST YOUE PEOPEETY WITH E. E. OAS- H ady li Co., 407 Atlas blk. Boll phono 2227. H xL630 VACANT AND IMPEOVED PEOPEETY H . all parts city. Meeks & Lynch, 31S Atlas block. y2321 EOMNEY-KIMBALL AGENCY, 216 HEB aid building, conduct a general roal astat IH brokerage and insurance business. a264 LIST PROPERTY FOE SALE OE EENT ' H with Capital Eoal Estate Investment Co., H 17 W. 2nd Bo. Ind. phono 00. h6-19 LYNDXHAPTEEI?oT-LrOr . H iytf7 der Eastern Star, Masonle ball. Stated meetings first Frl H i-iffi Hfefc la3r eacb month- ViBltlng mom- ! Vw berfl receive a cordial wel- Yf come. Mary E. Graham, W. H v . M,; Mary G. Wright, Secretary. - MIZPAH CHAPTER NO. 5, Or-, fe. jjf der of Eastern Star. Ma-Cw3f7 Ma-Cw3f7 snnio hall, first Monday each rjrv mouth. Members of slstor jar- B dj2B$lJkm Isdlctlons nnd visiting members B ug. cordially invited. Bhoda A. H M Conely, W. M.; Nancy Loathor- wood, seoretary. H A. A. S. BITE The four co-ordinato bodies H of the A. A. S. rite of Froo Masonrj holds stated meotlngs tho third Thursday in each month at tho Masonlo hall, corner West Templo nnd Sbcond So. Sojourning brethron 1 Invited. H Joseph G. Bywater, 02 deg. W- M. Jordan Lodgo of Perfection No. 3. S. C. Park. 32 deg. W. M. James Lowo Chanter of Roso Croix No. 0. W. Morse, K. 0. 0. H. Commandor Salt Lako Council of Ksdosh, H. N. Mayo, K. 0, 0. H. H M. of K. Utah Consistory No. 1. Christopher Dlehl, 33 deg, Register of all the Bodies. Z ARGENT A LODGE NO. 3, F. and f. A. M. At Masonic hall first Tues-day Tues-day of each month. Members of " sister lodges and Sojourning; brethren H Invited. Harry A. Knowlcs, W, M.; Moses B 0. Phillips, secretary. H WASATOH LODGE NO. lr F. and A. M. H Masonic hall second Friday each month. H Members of sister lodges . and sojourning l brethren in good standing invited. Rarrio Wsll Griffin, W. M,; A. J, Lowe, secretary. EL KALAH TEMPLE, A. A. 0. N JA. 8. H Third Wednesday of each month, Mssonio hall at 8 p. m. All nobles sojourning in H vited. J M. Man-iott, potentato; W. L. Barnos, recorder. MT. MOEIAH LODGE NO. 2, F. and A, M. Masonic hall second Monday earn 1 month. Mombcrs of sister lodges and so- 1 jouming members in good standing invited. H A. H. Peabody. W. M.; Christopher Dlehl, secretary. MASONIC NOTICE WASATOH LODGE No. 1, F. and A. M., will hold a special meeting Wednesday, July 26, at 3:30 p. m, for the purpose of attending and conducting tho funeral ceromonlei of our late brother, 1 Thomas George Finch, who died In this city July 21. Services from the family real-dence. real-dence. No. 28 Eighth East street. A full H attendance is desired. By ordor of the W. M. A. J. LOWE, Secretary. UTAH OHAPTBE NO. 1, R. ArM-Siated convocation first Wednesday In each month at Masonic hall. Companions cor-dially cor-dially Invited. Chas. W. Morse, H. P.; Mosen 0. Phillips, secretary. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. FIDELITY LODGE NO. 17, I. 0. O. F. Meets overy Wednesday night at 3 o' cloak, 1. 0. 0, F. temple. Visitors welcome. N. . H. Leonhard, N. G.; J. 0. Smith, secretary. I. 0. O. F. TEMPLE DIEECTOEY. . . Snbordlnat lodgos meet as follows: Salt Lake lodgo No. 2, Friday. Enterprise lodge No. 15, Wednesday. NAOMI EEBEKAH LODGE NO. 1. Meet evory 2nd and 4th Saturday evening of HH each month in Odd Fellows' templo, Market stroet. ' n2G59 JOED AN LODGE NO. 3, L 0. 0. F Meets every Monday night at I. O. O. F. temple. Visitors invited. E. M. McDonald, N. G. : H W. T. Hopkins, Secretary. 1437 LADIES OF THE MACCABEES Salt Lake City hivo No. 4, xneots every first and third Monday, 8 p. m., I. O. 0. F. hall. FEATBBNAL OEDEB OF EAGLES Salt HH Lake aerie No. 67. Every Friday. 8 p. m., K. of P. hall. EOYAL ARCANUM S. i,. COUNCIL, 1817 2nd and 4th Thursdays, Jennings block. 0. K. Smith, regent. E. L. Jonos, seorstary. IH Knights of Pythias. IJ CALANTHE-MYETLE LODGE NO. 1. Every Monday, K. of P. hall. ' L. B. EDDY, O. 0, H N. W. SONNEDEOKER, E. of E. S. LINCOLN lodgo No. 23, K. of P., meets H every Saturday evening, 8 o'clock. K. of H EOOKY MOUNTAIN lodge No. 3 Every H Thursday evening, K. of. P. hall. ENIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES Salt H Lake City teat No. 2 Every Thursday, JH I. 0. O. F hall. Visiting Knights inrited, FRATERNAL UNION OF AMEEICA Ever- fH green lodge No. 151 meets 2nd and 4th M Mondays at I. O. O. P. temple. S. Chalker. IH secretary, box 70. FOEESTEES OF AMEEICA Meets 1st and Srd Wednesdays each month, Knights of Columbus hall, No. 21, W. 1st Souths 0. H E. White, F. 0. 11134 JM Woodmen of the World. IH WOODBINE cirelo No. 41 meets every H Tneaday, 8 o'olook at I. O. 0. F, haJL IH ENaRAVERAmjMGlB ETCHINGS, HALF-TONES ANtoUTB. DE BOUZEK Engraving Co. g2610 IH NOTICE. bTrtNTTAFTEprjULYiTP H Co.'s restaurant at 271 So. Main st.. will H bo conducted by Yoe Tom and called the IH Boston restaurant. Any bills outstandlnc H against Foo Nom & Co. must be presented at once, as we will sot bo responsible tSB them. (Signed) Tho Boston Eostauran. - ol4"V NOTICE. Il Notice Is hereby given that tho assess- H raent of the tax levied by tho City Court- M ell of Salt Like City UtaJi. by ordinance U passed Julv 2, 190ti, upon the property abutting upon all of lots 2. 3, 4 and 5, H block 32. plat "F," Salt Lako City Survey, U for the purpose of curbing and guttering UH with cemenr (said gutter to be thirty (30) H lnchfts wide) the cast side of Thlrtoonth H East street from tho south elde of First South street to the north aide of Second South street, in Painr District No. 27. is completed. M ,. .. That the Board of Equalization and Review appointed by tho City Council for l that purpose, will meet at the office of l tho City Recorder, room. 100. City and Countv building, on Monday, July 23, 1906, UH und continue In eetssion until Friday. July 27, 1906. between the hours of 3:30 and i:W p. m-. and will hear and consider any objections and make correction of any tax which oald Board may doom unequal H or unjust. , .... That during said time, botwoon the H hours of 9 n. m. and 5 p. m- eaid list H will be open to public inspection at tha office of the City Recorder, Room 100, BH Cltv and County building, Salt Lako City. IH Utnh. 1 1 H Bv order of tho City Council, dated B July D. 100S. , J- B. MORETON, City Recorder., Curb an"d G"utt6r 'Extension " o, 1. |