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Show NO BONDED INDEBTEDNESS. Nevada-Utah Company Froo From Debt of Any Naturo. Hooley Loonard & Co., tho Boston fiscal fis-cal agents for the Xovada-Utah company, com-pany, have lssuod a statement regarding tho financial standing of that organization organiza-tion which should bo full of Intorost and pleasure for Its stockholders. This firm denies flatly that the Novada-Utah company com-pany has any bonded indobtednoss, and states further that tho company Is froo from all dobt. Rofused tho Bid. James A. Pollock & Co. furnish tho following from Boston, recelvod over tholr private wlro: "The Franklin Mining Mi-ning company has received a bid of 18c a pound for 400,000 pounds of coppor, cop-por, for delivery In August, which offor was rofusod, as tho company has already al-ready sold ltB next month's output." Oro Shipments. Tho Pioneer eamplor rolenscd tho following fol-lowing numbor of cars of oro Thursday Stockton, 2; Alta, 3; Novada, 2; Bristol, Bris-tol, 1. Tho Taylor & Brunton aamplor roleaaod tho following: Tlntlc, 14; Novada Bingham, 1; Colorado, 1, ' ' Oro and Bullion. Tho oro and bullion rocolpts for Thursday, given by McCornlck & Co r-rnnS f0ll0WB: 0ro- 520,000; bullion',' Tho Motal Market. Tho motal quotations for Thursday posted by MoCornick & Co., wero as I"?"' SUVCr' 6501 l0a1' JSpo" |