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Show mm MAKES CAM, GIIHHII IS QUIET Tin Advanced in the London Market; Iron Is Also Higher Abroad. . SILVER. New York . ,C5c COPPER. New York exchange $17.7518.00 LEAD. New York exchange $G.76 NEW YORK, July 2C There was n further fur-ther sharp advancD In tho London tin market, which closed at 109 for spot and 163 12s Cd for futures, under spocu-lallvo spocu-lallvo liquidation. The local market wa3 easy, with spot quoted at $36.G0gi36.05 Copper was hlghftr again in London, with spot closing at 83 nnd futuros at SL 10s. Locally tho market was firmer In tono with lako quoted at $18.50lS.7n, electrolytic at $18 25(3)18.50 aud casting at $17.7518.00. Lend was unchanged at $5.76 in tho local market, and advanced Ds to 1G 16s 3d In London. Spelter was 5s highor at 27 5s In London. Locally tho market was unchanged un-changed at $5.956.05. Iron was 3d higher at 51s 3d for Standard Stand-ard foundry and 51b Gd for Cleveland warrants In the English market. Lo cally there was no change. No. 1 foundry found-ry Northern Is quoted at $1S.6019.25; No. 2 foundry.. Northern, $18.25lS.7n; No. 1 foundry Southern, $18.001S.50, and No. 2 foundry Southern, $17.5018.00. LIVE STOCK MAEKBTS. Chicago. CHICAGO, July 26. Cattle Receipts, GOOO; steady; beeves, $3.86G.40; cows and heifers, $1.255.30; stockors and feedors, $2.50(514.25; calves, $5.00g)7.00. Hogs Receipts, 22,000; oteady; estimated esti-mated tomorrow, 20,000; mixed and butchers, ?6.406.S7 ; good heavy, $6.60G.S7&; rough heavy, J6.156.40; lights, $6.50G.90; pigs, $5.75G.75; bulk of sales, $6.556.80. Sheep Receipts, 14,000; market steady; sheep, ?2.905.60; lambs, $4.767.75. Kansas City. KANSAS CITY, July 26. Cattle Receipts, Re-ceipts, 8000; steady to a shade lower; native steers, $4.00G.20; native cows and heifers, $2.50104.50; . bulls, S2.25 4.00; calves, $2,50(5)5.60: Western fPrf steers, $3.505.90; Western fed cowb. $2.50(0)4.50. Hogs Receipts, 10,000; steady; bulk of sales, $6.676.G5; heaw, $6.G0 6,1-2; packern, $G.57&6.G5f pigs and light, $5.80(y)6.70. Sheep Receipts, 3000; steady; muttons, mut-tons, $4.60(g5.G0; lambs, ?5.507.50; range wethers, $4.75(3)5.75; fed ewes. $4.25(0)5.15. Omaha. OMAHA, July 26. Cattle Receipts, 3000; market steady to easier; native steers, $4.50G.25; cows and heifers, $3.00(04.40; Western steers, $3.505.35; canners, $1.50tfp2.75; stockers and feeders. $2.75(0)4 40; calves, $3.005.75: bulls and stags. $2.404.25. Hogs Receipts, 8000; market weak to 5c lower; heavy. $6.406.60; mixed, $6.456.60; lights, $G.4G6.60; pigs, $5.50 6.25; hulk of sales, $6.45(56.52.. Sheep Receipts, 8000, Blow to easier; yearlings, $5.60(0)5.85; wethers, $4.86(0) 5.10; ewes, $4.40(Q)4.90; lambs, $G.2507.50. St. Joseph. ST. JOSEPH, July 26. Cattle Receipts, Re-ceipts, 2300; market dull to 10c lower; natives, $4.60(0)6.10; cows and heifers, $1.75(0)5.00, stockers and feeders, $3.00(0) 4.00. Hogs Receipts. 4500; Ec lower; light, $6.456,55; medium and heavy, $6.50 G.55. Sheep Receipts, 1700; steady; lambs. $7.65. Now York Money. NEW YORK, July 26. Close: Prime mercantile paper, 50)5c. Sterling exchange weak, closing firmer at $4.8i.85(04.S5.90 for demand, and at $4.81.80(0)4.81,85 for sixty-day bills; posted post-ed rates. $4.82. and $4.85; commercial bills, ?4.81(0'1,81. Mexican dollars, 50',4c. Government bonds" firm; railroad bonds, heavy. Money on call, easy, 2(02 por cent" ruling rate, 2 per cent; closing bid' and offered, 2 por cent; time loans, dull and easy for short dates; sixty days 3(03 per cent, ninety days, 4(Q)4 por cent; six months, 5 per cent. ' Troasury Statement. WASHINGTON, July 26. Today's statement of the treasury balances in seneral fund, exclusive of tho $150 -000,00 Gold reserve, shows: Available cash balanco $172,336 979 Gold coin and bullion 10o'442'236 Gold certificates v 39,'325!o80 Now York' Sugar. NEW YORK, July 26,-Sugar Raw, ?fl?:fO.M,rr0flnIns.' 3yc: centrifugal (.9G test). 3c; molassos sugar, 3c Ronnod, firm; crushed, $5.60; powdered, $4.90; granulated, $4.80. St. Louis Wool. ST. LOUIS. July 26.-Wool-Steady; T??08,, combln and clothing 2328c; light fine. 1822c; heavy fine 14(0)lic; tub washed, 3238c. Pris Market Improves. PARIS, July 2G. The tono of tho bourse today wan excellent. Russians " lCnn. ?ufloy,int- advancing and causing general firmness throughout. Liverpool Wheat. LIVERPOOL, July 26.-Closo: Wheat-July, Wheat-July, Gs 7d; September, Gb Gd;'Do-cember, Gd;'Do-cember, Gs 7d. Weather fine. |