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Show I EXAMINATIONS FOR THE CIVIL SERVICE, Opportunities You Have of Ob-; Ob-; taining Employment With the Government. Civil service examinations will bo held In Utah this yonr nn followH: Logan, September 12 and October 17; Salt Lako City, September 12, October 5 and 17. The examinations at Logan and Salt Lake In September and October are for clerical and export positions In the various var-ious departments of the Government. The examination to bo held in this city October 5 Is a specinl examination for stenographers and typewriters for scr-vlco scr-vlco on the Isthmus of Panama. The en- I trance salary Is from $1200 to $1500 per annum, with the opportunity of promo-An promo-An examination for stenographers and typewriters will also be held Soptombor 12 aixt October 17 for sorvlcc in the do-partnaemts do-partnaemts at Washington. Tho entrance salary .for these positions ranges from $480 to $720 per annum for females and $840 to $1000 for males. A letter from John C. Black, president of tho Civil Servlco commission, to Sonator Sutherland Suther-land states that "'residents ot your State who can pa3B tho examination would have good opportunities for appointment, nlnco your Stnto 'has not recolvetl an excoselvo share of appointments In tho departments at Washington." A special examination for veterinary ln-speptor ln-speptor for tho bureau of animal Industry under the Department of Agriculture will bo held August 8. The salary attached to tho position Is $1200 per annum. Applicants for tho last named examination exami-nation should make application Immediately Imme-diately to tho Civil Servlco commission at Washington and applicants who do-fllro do-fllro to take tho other examination should mako application early enough to give tho commission at least ten days to mako tho necessary arrangements. Sonator Sutherland has also received a list of the farmers' bulletins now roady for distribution, and thoso desiring copies should communicate with him. |