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Show CAN'T HIND HIS Dad Gimlin Constantly Meddling With Affairs of Local Team. AIMS TO TRANSPORT DUBEI'S BEST PLAYERS Has Secured a Position for Zimmerman on Spokane Spo-kane Team. Dad Glmlln came In for a big roast from the local baseball fans yesterday and simultaneously got several .hard knocks from the Tailors. The charge made against Glmlln, and there Is evidence evi-dence to bnck. II, 1b that as soon aB any of John Dubel'B men begin playing exceptionally ex-ceptionally good balliGlmlln Immediately proceeds to hunt a placo for them in some other league. By this method the Bhrewd old man weakens tho Tailors and at the Earns time Increases Ogdon's chances of winning the ponnant. The result Is and has beon that good men go out, inforior men come In and tho standard stand-ard of ball played in the leaguo is lowered. low-ered. From appearances. It seems that Gimlin haB played an Indirect part In taking two men away from tho locals and Is now doing his best to get Zimmerman Zimmer-man signed up" ,by Spokane. Gimlin s Finger in It. It was only yesterday that Zimmerman, the crack fielder and batter of the Tailors Tail-ors received tho following letter from the Spokane management, which makos clear the part that Glmlln Is playing In the transaction: "You have boon recommended to me by Manager Glmlln of Ogden for next season. sea-son. I might po68lbly bo able to UBe you this season, but cannot say at tho present time for certain, but feel confident con-fident that I could give you a trial In the spring. From the way Mr. Glmlln has spoken of you I think that you will have no difficulty in making good. "If you will send mo your lowest terms by return mall, I think that perhaps we can come to terras. Please let me hear from you by return mall, as there is a posslbllty that I might want you to como to Spokane within the next few days. Yours respectfully, G. M. FERRIS. "Per F. J. D." Telegraphs "Gome at Once." Later In the day Zimmerman received the following telegram from G. M. Ferris, the representative ot F. J. Dorsey, the president of the Spokane ball club of the Northwestern league: "Will pay one hundred per month. Report immediately. Transportation refunded on arrival of answer." an-swer." Local baseball enthusiasts Insist that It Ib highly unprofessional for Glmlln to act as ho has In this matter. They further charge and John Dubel confirms the accusation that the Ogden manager has dabbled more or less in tho affairs of the local club all season. Early In the season, after Hall pitched his great game in which he allowed only four hits and then knocked out a two-bagger, winning win-ning the game, Dad Glmlln, in the presence pres-ence of Father Dubel, told Hall that he ought to get in faster oompany, that this was no sort of a leaguo for a man of his ability to be dubbing along in. Whether Gimlin played any part in getting Hall his position In the "Three-I" league or not Is not known, but there are thOBo who entertain a sneaking suspicion that he did. Offered Jensen Two Jobs. Glmlln had nothing to do with Jeusen'3 going to New York, but had not tho offer from Clark Griffith como Glmlln had matters arranged bo that Jensen could have Joined either the Pueblo team In the Western league or tbla Splcane team In the Northwestorn league. When Jensen Jen-sen left for Now York transportation to go to both Pueblo and Spokane was waiting here for him, and Dad Glmlln Is tho man who is responsible. Gimlin wrote Jonsen porsonally stating that ho" could place him with either Pueblo or Spokane, and later Jensen received letters let-ters from the managers ot both these team3 offering him positions on the strength of Dad Glmlln's recommendations. recommenda-tions. Dubel certainly has a right to kick. It Is manifestly unfair and unsportsmanlike for, Glmlln to try and pull away from Father Dubel hlB best men. And certainly cer-tainly such tricks do not help strengthen tho league and ought to be foreign to ono supposed to have .the Interest In It that Glmlln should. Zira Thinking It Over. Zimmerman has not yet decided whether wheth-er to accept the offer or not. At any rate, he will remain here to play against Ogden in the games on next Saturday and Sunday. The only fact that makes him hesitate Is tho shaky condition of tho Northwestern league, of which Lucas Ib' the president. If Zimmerman was sure it would hold out for the scheduled season he would go in a minute. He la now seeking Information on thl6 point. |