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Show FALLS OVER A CLIFF. Elovon-Yoar-Old Girl Painfully Injured in Ogden Canyon. Spocial to The Tribuno. OGDEN, July 26. The llttlo eleven-year-old daughter of Mrs. J. B. Mar-burger Mar-burger fell over a cliff on the dugway leading into Ogden canyon this afternoon and sustained a fracturo of tho left knee, in addition to other bruises. She was removed to her homo and tho frncturo was reduced by Dr. Dickson. This is tho point in the road down the dugwny whore somo of tho Councllmen of Ogden wanted a fence built to protect both vehicles and pedestrians. Tho movement move-ment to have tho fence built was turned down by a majority of tho Council about three weeks ago, and this Is one of the results. |