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Show BRILLS NOW ARE SEEKING UIW LEVEL After Numerous Troubles, West Quiucy Company Is Hard at Work. VENTURE TO SERVE TWO PURPOSES WELL Expected to Demonstrate Value of Contact and Drain the Property. Aftor sovoral annoying delays during tho past two or throo wooks, tho DavlB-Calyx DavlB-Calyx drills aro doing tholr work buo-conGfully buo-conGfully within tho mlno of tho West Qulncy company. Mr. Davln, tho Inventor, In-ventor, bogan Installing tho machlnory on tho ninth of tho pre6ont month, and aftor he had succeoded in getting ovory-thlng ovory-thlng in readiness It was discoverod that the compressor wa6 not of suillclout power to permit the work to proceed. Ho had to substitute Btoam power, therefore, there-fore, and found this satisfactory. Mr. Davis had hoped that sufficient water could bo obtained for this purpose pur-pose from the lake nearby, but when this sourco proved lnsulllclcnt, ho was compelled to lnutall a pump on tho 440-foot 440-foot lovel of tho West Qulncy, from which a two-Inch plpo was run. Aftor overcoming thoso handicaps the drills began on tholr Journey from tho 440-foot level to tho contact, voin ln tho vicinity of tho 1200-foot lovel of tho mlno. Will Sorvo Two Purposes. This is tho first nttompt to utilize the drills In tho Park City region, but In spito of tho fact that tho West Quin-cy's Quin-cy's formation is a badly shattered ono, Mr. Davis Has little doubt of the successful suc-cessful outcome of tho venture. Ho states that tho drill holes will servo two purposes They will not only demonstrate demon-strate the possibilities of the contaot, but they will sorvo to drain the upper levels of the mlno as well. Ho anticipates that when tho drills pierco the porphyry dike, which was caught in tho drift on tho 410-foot lovol and cut by tho shaft at the GSO-foot lovel, lov-el, and which now is sorvlng tho purpose pur-pose of a bulkhead, lho dry quartzltc beneath will servo to drain off all tho water, which will greatly facilltato tho sinking of tho shaft. The drills have been UEed with success In other portions of tho world, and all Park City is watching watch-ing with lutorost their initial performance perform-ance ln that camp. San Prancisco Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. July 20. Tho omdal cloFlng fiuotntlons for mining stocks today were as follows: Alpha Con ? .09 Justlco .01 Andes 08 Kentucky Con 02 Belcher 23 Mexican 69 Best & Belcher . ,6S Ocldental Con 75 Bullion 21 Ophlr 3.40 Caledonia 21 Overman 10 Challenge Con..., .12 Potosl 12 Ohollar 10 Savngo 6G Confldenco 60 Scorpion .07 Con. Cnln. & Vn. .80 Seg Belchor 04 Crown Point 09 Sierra Nevada ... .20 Exchequor 45 Silvor Hill ....... .81 Gould &. Currlo .. .05 Union Con 20 Halo &. Norcros3. .00 Utah Con 03 Julia 05 Yellow Jnclcet ... .07 NEW YORK MINING STOCKS. Adams Con f .20 Llttlo Chlof J ,05 Alico 2.25 Ontario 2.50 Brceco 25 Ophlr 3.40 Brunswick Con . .30 Phoonlr .... v Com8tock Tunnel .13 Potosl n Con. Cnl, & Va.. .S3 Savngo C2 Horn Silvor .... 2.03 Sierra Nevada .. .10 Iron Silvor 5.00 Small Hopes .... 30 Lendvillo Con.... .03 Stnndnrd 2.00 BOSTON MINING STOCKS. I Advcnturo ... G.50 Old Dotn $38.75 Allouez 32.50 Osceola 103.50 Amnl 38,00 Parrot 25.00 Atlantic .. .. 14.12V4 Qulncy 81.00 Bingham .... 2S.00 Shannon .... 9100 C. & H...680 685.00 Tamarack ... 05.00 Centennial ... 21.15 Trinity 54.00 Cop. Range... 71.00 United Cop... C2.00 Daly West .. 16.75 U. S.' Mining.. 54.75 Frnnklln 16.25 U. S. Oil .... "5 Granby 11.50 Utah ., G4.50 IeIc Royale .. 16.50 Victoria .. .. C.00 Maes. Mining. 6.50 "Winona .. .. 7.00 Michigan .... 12.00 Wolverine ... 144. 00 Mohawk 61.00 North Butto.. SC.12U Mon. C. & C 2.25 Grceno Con... 20.S7 Boston Stock Market. Jnmes A. Pollock & Co. furnish tho following follow-ing Boston stock quotations, recelvod over their prlvnto wire: , . Sales. High. Low. Closo. Bingham 100 $28.50 $28.50 $2S.C0 Boston Con 24.75 24.00 24.76 Butto Coalition .. 810 35.25 30.00 30.00 Con Mercur ...... ... ,zs .52 50 Copper Rango .... 910 71.00 71.00 7l!oO Cum & Ely 103 7.12V6 7.00 7.12'A Daly West 25 17.00 17.00 17.00 Grunby 105 11.3714 11.37& H.37'4 GreenovCon ....c.. 167 20.87V4 20.75 20.S7& Nevada Con 250 17.50 17 50 17.50 Novada. Utah .... 550 3,25 3.00 3 rH North Butto 11G0 80.12' 85.50 86.12'A United Coppor .. 300 62.50 62.25 62.23 U S Common .... 465 51.S7& 64.76 64.87V5 U S Prof erred .... 400 45.25 45.00 45.23 Utah Con 410 54.60 54.50 54.50 Calumet & A G7 111.00 111.00 111.00 |