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Show WEST SIDERS ARE VICTORS Red and Black Are Slill Invincible, Capture the State High School Championship in Track Meet. Piled Up More Points Than All Their Competitors Combined, in Exciting Contest. "West Side high school M 1-3 Ogden high school 33 1-3 Eat Side hltrh aichool B 1-3 Park City 0 Husky weaier of the "R. il and Mlio k" add-d another victory to their already long chain yesterday afternoon wh n they not only captured the State high school championship, but piled up moro points than all their competitors combined. com-bined. Before the nie-t ii was generally conceded that the west slders would win, but this did not detract from the Interest Inter-est of ihe conti-st, which was full of ex-cttement ex-cttement from start ii lndsh During the meet six new State high school record! rec-ord! weie established, while many . (1st-lng (1st-lng records were OQUaloCL Good Crowd Witnessed Contests. Despite, the threatening weather a good crowd of fiiudents turned out to SrltnflSB the conteft I irden was there In full force and the cheering of Ogden s girls was a feature of the eont-sf. Bjtme catcbv yell. especially prepared for the contest, were given with s snap and vim that evlin ed prar liv,' ,ind gMHilr.i thtiBlasm. The West Side rootera were also there, but not ln the numbers with Which tliev have been wont to attend Other Contests. But what Ihev lacked In numbers they made up in enthusiasm, for they osver failed to reward nru rl-torious rl-torious work with one of their gingery yells. Park City rooters and BSSt slderx were also there In good numbers, and the students of the latter school particularly par-ticularly did some effective cheering. Prnise for Coacher Callahan. Y'-sterday s meet mnnlf'cHed clSSTly tb uperfontV of the weal alders and the fart that D. A CsllfthSJI Is no bnok number In the coaching game. In form and action hla hoys showed the result of splendltl trnlnlng Five Of the new records rec-ords established were made by thr-m and had tho condition of the track been even passably good there would have baeii some more new records. Ogden also has Improved, and the showing made by her athletes yesterday wns in every way creditable l.-r buys fOUghl hard, hut they Were simply up Sgafnst better men Get Valuable Experience. Eai-t slders got some valuable cxperi- nee out of the meet and n'-xt yesr they will have to be considered. wh-n 1 1 eoines to making up tho dot" l. . t. 1 fur tliu Miners little can be Raid, except that they were present, tried but didn't make good But they are young at the game yet and In time, with proper coaching, may make themselves heard from. Where Honors Belong. In placing the credit for the west shl us' victory, the greater part of the honor goes again to Capt. Richmond and his speedy teammate. Judson. On the traek th- two ni-n proved themselves Invincible and scored victory after vlc-trry. vlc-trry. Evt rj one expected a good showing from TCI, innond. but few expected from Judson all that he ai cumplishcd. In the 100-yard dash with a aet back of one yard he lumped to the front at the crack of pisti j, gradually pulled away and crossed the tape, leading his "aeven speedy competitors hy a safe distance. In i th 22l-yard dash he repeated the trick and w,ui out by the narrowest margin from Richmond, His time of 24 I In this event lowers he old State record nearly two seconds. If) the Relay. In the relay It was Judson that opened Sh" gap .Hid give Richmond a lead tllHt sent him over the tape a winner when the "grbn man was Just rounding the turn. Richmond did splendid work In the Jumps and brought home first place n both events In the broad Jump his mark of 21 feet 1 Inches not only establishes a , ni W high school State record but breaks tho Intercollegiate record. New State Records. I Other west alders who did meritorious work were Roberts, Richardson and Mor- i ris. All of these men established new Bl tte r lords that will probably stand for lOmt Hrm to come In the shot-put Rlch- ' ardson pushed the ball OUl for 43 feet Tlg ln hes, which Is six feet better than the existing record held bv Greenwell Ogdtn's Mainstays l'oulti r Hi cles and Greenwell proved to I be Ogden'a mainstays. Poultei Is a "llt-1 "llt-1 tie elenhsrl " and with time should de-1 de-1 velp Into a formidable weight man. He itured second place In the shot-put anil I first In the hammer, In the latter event he brOke the State record and establish,, estab-lish,, I a new mark of 121 feet i Inches. I It was In the fctti, that Eccles made the run that brought hltn honor. The Ogden-I Ogden-I Ho Tas galloping down the stretch sev-r-.il ird In tlie lead. Murphy also passed Harrys and Ogdcn captured twr places In this event. Tenacious Contest. The pole vault furnished a tenacious : contest that was finally won by Morris : of the West Stde He yvas hard pressed l Craig and Calvert Of Ogden, who made ; hltn break the State record to win. This j event lasted for nearly an hour and was 1 one of the most tsnaoiously contested of I 1 1n- meet. Morris's record of ten feet bet- ti-rs the old Stnte record bv one foot. A summary Of the events of the meet follows: fol-lows: Summary. KO-yard dnh Judson ninl Richmond of Went side unii Oreiwll at Ogden Tinr-. :4 l-B seconds WJ)-vnnl run ErelcH and Murphv uf 0(1en. Crttchla of V"- nt fcldi- Time 2:18. 100-ywrd dsab Judaan of west fihie, QreMi-I QreMi-I - and Tsvey of Ogden. Timv, ii 1-1 soc-, soc-, ornl! ... -yard hurdlet; Richmond of West M l.- Brownell of oden nnd Wire of Blast side ' Time, -3 1-5 ciindH I 140 aid 1nr'h--Robertii of Went Side, Hall I .if Wtsl Sid snd MuL'uIro of Ogden. Thn, ti7 2-5 weonds. Pol xnult Morris of Wttt Side, ' ralg and Calvert ( Osdcn. Dlstonee, m feet. Shot out rilchurdnon of Went Side, PoultW . f Ogden and Judeon of Wit Side. Dlntanco. !.l t. . I "- In. h- Broad Jump Richmond and Tliomnson of Weal Bide, Kidder of Kant Side, Dletancv. feet T'i Inches. , lJaturav.! throw-Toultor of Ogdon. Mwn of Kud Bide und OrsenwSlI i-'f gdrn. IlBtance, 121 feet 10 Inehen Hlv:li lump Hlehmond "f 'W'l'nt Side, Tyler of Oirden. Kidder. C'rnlg und MoitIh tied b-r third place. Height. .'. feet 2 Inched Belay Won by Went Hide, with Ogden second sec-ond Went side team: Stvnhounw, Blchai djen, Judson and Rlchuionil. I |