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Show Change in Faculty at thejniversity Leon Wilson Hartman Will Relieve Dr. Merrill as Professor of Physics. Loon Wilson Hartman will relievo Dr. Mi rrlll as professor of physics at the University Uni-versity of rjtah n'xt year This ch;.ng In the fa-nit, Is th- result of tho retire-ni.nl retire-ni.nl r,f Dr Morrill from the prof -ssor-Shlp Of phyeh-M. who will hen-aft.-r devote an his time to the department of electrical electri-cal engineering. Although one of io ,e:r,K. -t departments In tho kcIiooI. U Is nipldiv becoming one of the most Important Impor-tant and most efficient. Personal Friend of Merrill. Loon Wilson Hartman comes fronrCor-noll fronrCor-noll university and to n personal friend of Dr Merrill s, who has strongly recom- -,. n.le.l Idm H.- will take . harp- r,f the advance work in phvules and Will rank ns an is Ki in ir.if.-8F"r According to Dr. Merrill he Is naturally ndow.-d with tho power of Instructing others and th fact th.il he comes from a school loner fjirnotiH f..r Us efficient work Increases the more his fitness fur the position. Graduato of Cornell, was graduated from "nrnr.ll with th degree of B. B. In 1808, and tho following fol-lowing year secured his A. M. degree while engaged aa nn Instructor in thr UnlVi r-.ltv In 1901 and V'C he was acting nr if. BOr of physics at the Kansas Agrl-cuitural Agrl-cuitural college and in 1801 and 1908 pur-sneii pur-sneii advanced work In his chosen profusion pro-fusion at tho 1'nlvor.slty -f Pennsylvti-nl Pennsylvti-nl set urlni,' from that Institution his degree Of Ph D. In 1C'3 During 1903 and 19M he carried on still turther his researches re-searches OS holder Of the Tvndale fellowship fellow-ship In phyalcs nt the University of Got-tlnc.-n. In 1904 Hp returned to accept a position at Cornell, where ho was first graduated University Is Fortunate. In thf opinion of Dr. Merrill, the university uni-versity Is fortunnto In securing a man of Dr. Etartman's r.mk for he is considered ono of the strongest men In tho country In his special line of work. Ntxt year he will have immediate charge under Dr Merrill ..f the work In sophomore physics and other elective courses such as he may see tit to offer. |