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Show OGDEN'S FOUR HUNDRED What Is Going on in Society in tho Junction City. Speelal to The Tribune OiiDEN", t'tah. May 13. The reception Riven on "w0n-B.Joy afternoon hy Mr. r W. Perkins Per-kins t th Virginia wan ono of the met brilliant bril-liant events of tho season. Tb decorations War of whit and frreen, tho color Idea being eaiTle.l out In many pretty and tasteful methods. Marrnerltes and Miles, comtilned with a profusion of fi-tns nnd rslms, forme. I a very pretty effect. The ladles assisting arara gowned In costumes of green and white. In the receiving line with the hostess were te-dnraos te-dnraos Corlw nnd Grout and Miss Klmtull Mrs. Fatten and Mrs. Armstrong gracefully assisted with the refreshments, which werft of th- nleest description A string orchestra furnished fur-nished music throughout the afternoon, and the whole affair was ,-ry nrUsilc In !' 0 f . pulnunente The, members of Agi.ua and a number nf gueeta were entertained t.v Mr?- J S Dorcman or. Friday last. The nrogrammo conslrted Of musln by the- Mlssee Paiter and Frank Hcn-dfrshot. Hcn-dfrshot. followe. r.y an address by Rev .1 B. Carver on "The, Human Element In Elteto turo." Ho spokn of tho lives of Elizabeth Barrett Drowning. Thackeray. CowpST and ottie.ru, as lllualrntlng this human element. His very ,. -juent address closed with a plea fot the reading of good literature A neMal hn'ir. with dainty refreshm-mts, closed a very sn-JoyaMa sn-JoyaMa afternoon Tim annual meeting of Aginia win bo hold at tho homo of Mr-Rlschcl Mr-Rlschcl on May Mrs E M C onroy and Mr' C ft Itroughton were hostesses on Thursduy afternoon at a euchre party, tho oceno of the event being at the Irglnla. Tho largo upper hall was the sceno of tna merriment, the decorations being of ferns, palms and a profusion f flowere At caxdF Mrs. Radeon was awarded the first prize Mr-. Horn tho consolation, and Mrs. Armstrong tho lone-hand prl2e. Punch was served throughout tho afternoon and an elegantly ele-gantly appointed luncheon was ser.-d Tho Child Culture, club held a vary enjoyable enjoy-able meeting on Tuesday nfterno.-.n nt tho pleasant and hospitable homo of Mrs 1" II Wright, on Jefferson avenue At the close of somo short routine business the following pro-grammo pro-grammo was rendered Mm Rich env,, an excellent ex-cellent nrtlele, entitled "Th. Story of the Child," whleh was followed bv another equally equal-ly as good. Teaching Children Thrift " Roth subjects rereived duo ronslderat Ion at th- hand.s of the members Current oven's In the form of an able article e.n 'The 1 hlld' wa? w ell rendered bv Mrs Whit taker In spite of the Inclement weather, there was a v I ' tendance, and each one was made ver welcome wel-come by the gracious nnd hospitable hoste. who served dainty refreshments' at the close of the meeting An ndjfumine,nt took place until Tuevday. May 16, at 3 p. m, with Mi-Daniel Mi-Daniel Hainer. Thursday was ladles' day- at the rik club and tho "hf-sl people on earth" entertained their fair guotn rnvully In the iLftern.x.n a luncheon was served to the ladles, hut It .1 -. In the evening that the greatest number wero present, and all certoJnly hai a Jolly tlmn. Pool and cards wero among the poatlmei. and dancing was participated In by many Refreshments wore servod and the Elks sustained sus-tained their reputation for unsurpassable entertaining. en-tertaining. Mr. Gertrude Carr accorded ths ladles of Lincoln circle No a most pleasant entertainment enter-tainment at her home on Twenty-fourth street. Tho afternoon was one of enjoyment for all. nnd an unusualH bright afternoon wai pi nl by tho members of tho circle And a few frlenda present. Mrs W II Hlnt'.n and Mr. Rlackmnrr have gone to California for a few VTSSllS visit Mr and Mrs R A. Grant have ni a guest nt tho Reed Mrs. Egan of St. Paul, Minn Mrs. E M Drlggs entertained at a five hundred party yesterday afternoon. Mr and Mrs T C Bnutlsy qi back from a vbtlt of several weeks to the coast. J. W. Fldcock has returned from medical college, whero he has been studying for tho pout year Mrs J P Peary will entertnln at a Kensington Ken-sington on Wednesday afternoon In honor of Miss i.ouisc Peary Mrs J. B McOncken entertained the Four Kra club on Tuesday night at h--r homo on Washington a..nue. Mrs Richardson will entertain tho Lucky Thirteen club on tho afternoon of May 17. sea Tho Lively circle will meet with Mra W Lindsay on May :i at her home on Madison avenue. Miss Mlnnlo Kl-sel has left for California for a visit of several months. |