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Show YOUNG CROKER ENGAGED. Fiancee Was to Have Followed Him to Be Married. NEW YORK. May 13.-Mlss TolncUe I-Iorton, of Horton, N. Y., from whom a letter Is awiltlng Herbert Croki-r at pii" ranch In Oklahoma, said today that en was engaged to young Croker and that they hod planned to be married In k',!-homa k',!-homa in two weoks. As soon as the vouns man couIq make arrangements for the marriage after arriving at the ranch Miss Horton aid. she and her mother 'hud planned to go there Miss Horton added that the did not Ivo lie v.- that Mrs. Croker, the voung man's mother, approved of the engagement but she did not think Mr. Croker had st irt.-.i for Oklahoma as part of a plan to nrevi nl the marriago. |