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Show A TALE OF BENNINGTON Ib ster of the Grants: a Romance of Old Bennington. By Theodora Peck. Published Pub-lished bv Fox. Duflleld & Co.. New-York. New-York. "The Hampshire Grants" were the disputed dis-puted lands of Colonial times, betwe. n New' Hampshire and New York, afterward after-ward erected Into the State of Vermont. This story Is of the Revolutionary' time, and deals with the sturdy old patriots, Stark. Fjthan Allen, Ir.r Allen and others, as well as with some uf the Ignoble sort. Tories and outlaws who preyed upon either wide at opportunity, and without discrimination discrim-ination or partiality Heater Robinson, the heroine of the story, was a loyal patriot, pa-triot, though her father was both a Tory and a scamp. There Is a very fair local coloring In the story, with a reproduction of the feeling and sentiment of the times, and especially of the sturdy faithfulness of the old ministers, always a picturesque and attractive feature of New Fngland life of former days. The author takes her heroine through many perils, much heart-sickcnlng heart-sickcnlng tediums, and discloses some vicious beasts beyond the pale of human feeling. Such, however, meet the fate th. y ije-ierve, and while they are not able to prevail In the injury of Heater, they do much wickedness it is a grim story, y.-t with much tenderness In It, and all most skillfully woven Into a narrative that has both life and power |