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Show STAMPEDE IN GOTHAM. Mustangs Run Wild in New York Streets. NEW YORK. May 13 A taste of life on the range has heen given to th.-residents th.-residents of the Upper West Side by the stampeding of 100 mustangs at Sixtieth Six-tieth street and Went End avenue. There was a wild scramble by the cowboys cow-boys who came east with thv animals. I whkh were to be sold here, but the bunch scattered In all directions. After three hours most of thorn had been ! .1 up l. Hi.- aid V.f t h- "ill- A small boy started the stampede by hurling a stone at the nonies Part of the lurd was taught at One Hundred and Tenth street and 1 entral park west Another section rushed nut to the end of the Forty-fourth street pier with such speed that three of ihe animals wore thrown Into the river and drowned. On every street and avenue mounted men with ropes gave the section sec-tion the air of a Western round-up A horde of automobiles Joined in th-chase. th-chase. The tooting horns and screams of pass. ngrrs Increased the excitement, Numerous aeeldtmts were reported at various places OVOr the district, hut no one wus seriously hurt. |