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Show Special Correspondence. PARK CITY. July 23. Mrs. .C. M. Wilson Wil-son delightfully entertained her Sunday-school Sunday-school class at her home Saturday afternoon after-noon at her home, 'assisted by-Mrs. F. W. Hayt. Thoso present were tho Misses Le3-slo Le3-slo Beggs. Mabel Reich, Grace Stringer, Irma Evans, Bessie McClellan, May Nlm-mo. Nlm-mo. Nellie Mitchell. Rose Goist. Enid Riley, Ri-ley, Olga Guslafson. Vina Mawhlnuey, Jean Thcriolt. Maud Phillips and Flora Gates. Mrs. Charles Shields entertained at a 1 o'clock luncheon Thursday in honor of Mrs. R. F. Hale of Burlington and Mrs. J. F. Gelger. Yellow roses and plumosa were scattered over the cloth, and th placo cards were decorated with small clusters of the flowers. Besides the Riiente of honor thore were present Mrs. N. M. Wllaon, Mrs. J. L. Lockhart. Mrs. R. Brundage. Mrs. E. C. Baker, Mrs. W. T. Humes, Mrs, George Moulding and Mro. Mawhlnney. Little Miss Irene Jefford celobrated her fourth birthday Monduy afternoon at the home of her parents on Woodslde avenue. Games, music and dainty refreshments were enjoyed by the guests. Those present pres-ent were Leah Townsend. Miriam Hubbard. Hub-bard. Lillian Knenl, Mabel Kemp. Olivo Allen, Gladys Grose, Cleo Gltsch, Mary Townsend, Jennie Spargo, Rhea Wlddlaon, Leona Grose, lva Gltsch. May McCuen; Merrs. Truman Rowe. Tom Williams, John Spargo. Russell Wlddlson, Harry Dudly and James McCuen. V Miss Delia Barnlcott entertained a small company of young friends moat delightfully delight-fully Wednesday afternoon. Tho usual number of games woro enjoyed, ami later icea were served. Those who participated In the charming affair were Thelma Morgan. Mor-gan. Lois Lockhart. Etoll Marl In, Ethel Walker, Evanna Dikes, lna Barnlcott, Gladys Walker, Illlnia Peterson. Horace Hedges. Goro Frankel, Milton Lockhart. Lock-hart. Myra Pclerton, Verna and Lcland Peterson. The Misses Lillian and Minnie Lam-bonrno Lam-bonrno of Salt Lnko wcro Kuests of honor at a charmingly arranged card purty given by the Misses Roso and Bccalc Barnlcott Wednesday evening. Nasturtiums and sweot peas were ui;ed in the decorations throughout the home. After the guet.s en-loycd en-loycd a number of games of sixty-three, in which tho jirir.es were won by Miss WinniH Jennings and Onirics Hosmer. thoro was an Informal nusleal pro-Kramme. pro-Kramme. To meet the guests of honor therc-ivere invited tho Misses Ellu Suydor Lillian Hodges. Myra Wycorr. Ilnnnah Ie Compte. May Hedges. Penrl Snyder, Nellie JennliJKS, Anna Johnson. Ethel Wells, Mabnl Elvers, Alta Montgomery, Rhea Riley, Ri-ley, Florence Hurlbcii, Myrtle Robinson, Winnie Jennings, MeHsrs. Rob Roy. Will Sutton, Jr., Gcorgo Bates Bob Wright, Milton Dorlty. Frank Barnlcott. Charles Hosmer, Gcorgo Giiger, Bob Jennings. Clarence Gates, Tom Roberts. Briar Hor-kins. Hor-kins. Arnold Smith, John Bate.s. Charles Phillips, Edward Le Compte. Bert Hnrt-well, Hnrt-well, Jot Kemp. Frc.d Cook, Dan Richardson, Richard-son, Alex Gibson and Will McGraw. a Mr. and Mra. R. D. Robblnn wcro given a Jolly surprlso on Wednesday evening, whon a party or frlonds dropped In informally infor-mally to spend the evening. TI1030 of tho party wero Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Middour, Miss Amco Sherman, Miss Carrio Sutton, Mr, and Mrs. P. H. Towey and Stophon Blumenthal of Calcutta. Mrs. G. F. Boreman went to the city Thursday for a short stay with friends. M'ss Rhea Riley entertained a small company of friends informally Tuesday evening. Those present were Miss Theresa The-resa Quinn Miss Alta Montpomery. Miss Florence Morrow, Miss Enid Riley and Bert Hartwell. Mr. and Mrs. Ed P. Evans and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Evans and family and Mr. and Mrs. Schcney and son of Cen-tenvlllc! Cen-tenvlllc! picnicked at Ruyder's grove ' on Thursday. o o The members of the Women's athenaeum athenae-um and tholr families enjoyed a picnic dinner on Mra. J. E. BcgKs' lawn Wednesday Wednes-day afternoon. Among tho guests present wpre noticed Messrs. and Mesdamcs A. E. Pike, J. Frankel, E. P. L Compte. L. B. Wight. L. E. Hubbard. J, Dlcm. C, Heath. W. L. Middour. Charles Shields. C. M Wilson, Mrs. M. F. Alien. Mrs. G. E. Hedges, Mm. C. F. Moses. Miss Jean Pearson, Miss Ethel Gray. Miss Hannah Le Compte. Miss G. Wilson. Miss R. Wilson, Wil-son, Miss Carrie Sutton, Miss Amco Sherman Sher-man of Reno, Nov.. Mrs. Emma Kelso, Mrs. J. L. Lockhart. Miss Kato Allen, Miss Kate Lawrence. Mlfa Eleanor Po-pan. Po-pan. Messrs. J. W. Golqor. Ed Lr Compte. Montagu Allen. W. W. Armstrong, A. R. Wectcr. D. Q. Grabill. Ben Hampton. Holland Hol-land Wight. Grace Pike, Frances Shields, Dorithy Heath. Miriam Hubbard. Tosslo Beggs. Eula Begira, Lola and Milton Lockhart. Lock-hart. Francis Diem and others. Mrs Chrfrlcs Shields entertained tho following fol-lowing Kcntlemen at luncheon Frldav noon: Messrs. W. W. Armstrong. J. W. Gelger. A. R. Weeter. F. A. McaCrty. J. Frankel. D. R. Grabill, J. M. Lockhart. Charles Shields. Miss Isabell Grapt returned to Park Mondav. after a pleasant visit with Salt Lako friends. k Mrs. J. C. Perry returned from the city Friday morning. Mrs. Geors;o Johnson and children arrived ar-rived home Sunday from a short visit with Salt Lako relatives. Miss Mary Townsend, who has been visiting vis-iting in Zlon for some weeks, returned homo Monday morning. Mr. and Mrc. M. D. Hurlbut and party returned from their camping trip yesterday. yester-day. r a Mr. and Mr.. G. F. Boreman returned to Park Saturday from an extended "Eastern trip. w Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Keefe aro entertaining enter-taining tholr daughter, Mrs. A. A. Mc-Brlde Mc-Brlde of Salt Lako. Mr. and Mrs". R. R. Ross of Trinidad, Colo., arrived in Park Flidny and will "bo KiiostH of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sherman for some w,ceks. Mr. E. Merrill and children of Snit Lako are visiting with 'Mr. and Mrs. J. W "While. " Mrs. C. 1 Moses of Reno. Nov., Is th prueBt of hor 3on and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. John Dlcm. Miss Kate Malono has gone to Butte Mont., for a month's visit with friends. MlBata Lilllo and Mlnnio Lambourne ot Salt Lake came up to Park Monday, and are guests of the Misses Roso1 and Bessie Barnlcott Mrs. Sherman Fargo and two daughters returned home Tuesday after a pleasant outing at the Hot Pots. Misses Eva and Tcsslc Lambert returned to Park Thursday, after a pleasant visit with relatives at American Fork. m - a I Tho Misses Delia and Frances Williams returned from Montana Thursday morning. morn-ing. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wolsh returned from a pleasant ten days' visit with Salt Lako relatives Tuesday morning. |