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Show HAPPENINGS ABROAD. J TRIESTE, July 22. Tho battleships Kearsarge, Alabama, Illinois, Maine, Missouri Mis-souri and Iowa of the American squadron will leave July 24 for Flume, Gibraltar, and then home. ALEXANDRIA, July 22. Tho British Mediterranean flcot has arrived here. BOMBAY, July 22. P. C. Roudanevsky. first secretary of tho Russian legation at Peking, has committed suicide on a railway rail-way train between Madras and Calcutta. SOUTHAMPTON, "july 22. Tho American Ameri-can liner St. Paul, which sails from hero for New York on July 27, will tako tho body of Kent Loomls. AMSTERDAM, July 22. It Is understood under-stood that, Mr. Leyds, tho former diplomatic diplo-matic agent of thc Transvaal In Europe, ls trying to arrange with Premier Kuyper for tho convoyance of tho body of former President Kruger to South Africa on board a Dutch warship. HAMBURG. July 22. Tho Hamburg-American Hamburg-American lino Btcamor Sambla passed Pe-rlm, Pe-rlm, at the southern entrance of tho Red sea. yesterday evening, thus disproving tho report of her capturo by a vossol of thc Russian volunteer Meet. ALEXANDRIA. July 22. The British cruiser Venus, which arrlvod hero yesterday, yester-day, Balled today. Her destination was not given. TIENTSIN, July 22. The Indo-Chlna Navigation company, owners of the steamer Hipsang, have no nows of that vcssol's fate. Sho ls now six days over-duo over-duo from Newchwong. TIENTSIN. July 22. Tho German garrison gar-rison here, having been relieved bv 900 mon who arrived two daB ago. wlfl return re-turn home on the troopship Rhcln. i |