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Show If ' r ORE IF EMERALD. Good Values Found in Fissure in tho J Lower Workings. i A report from tho properties of the , J Emerald Mining company Induces , Manager Oglesby to believe that a I i , change of much significance is now 1 . taking place and he will leave for Tln- i tic this morning to make personal ex- I j amlnatlon of it. Below the SOO-foot I level two wlnr.es 100 feel apart are now ' going down into the fissure, which is between five and six feet between walls . , ' and from one of these samples oC al- ! tercd limestone was recently taken that ; I showed 3.5 per cent copper, -10 ounces ; ' and 33.G0 gold per ton. He Is much encouraged en-couraged and on the eve of his depar- ; ture said he had no doubt of the ultl- ,.' mate productiveness of the ground. |